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NHL Jerseys by Teryl

by Teryl Posted 7th Feb 2005 at 7:42 AM - Updated 5th Nov 2005 at 2:52 AM by Teryl : added photos
12 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 11 Feedback Posts
Forum Resident
#2 Old 7th Feb 2005 at 3:58 PM
Very nice tops for my athletic simmies, Thank You.
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Original Poster
#3 Old 7th Feb 2005 at 4:51 PM
You are most welcome!
Test Subject
#4 Old 7th Feb 2005 at 5:45 PM
Thank you so much for all the NHL jerseys. Being from Canada myself, I am really going to enjoy having them in my game.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#5 Old 7th Feb 2005 at 5:51 PM Last edited by Teryl : 15th May 2006 at 11:58 AM. Reason: change of info
Bevlarkin, you are welcome. I have lots of them made, so help yourslf, and if you have any requests, let me know!
Visit my site - for some great jerseys!

Test Subject
#6 Old 14th Feb 2005 at 7:22 AM
Dude you gotta do some throwbacks like Bobby Hull's Chicago Jersey or a classic Kings Jersey Sumthin cool like that
#7 Old 9th Jun 2005 at 3:16 PM
Thank you!!! Jersey is great/ GO LEAFS GO!!!!
Test Subject
#8 Old 16th Jul 2005 at 1:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by !,,!_Shocuda_!,,!
Dude you gotta do some throwbacks like Bobby Hull's Chicago Jersey or a classic Kings Jersey Sumthin cool like that

Dude, I thought ALL NHL jerseys were throwbacks these days! Nice shirts, though -- thanks!

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#9 Old 18th Sep 2005 at 1:51 PM
those r great!! could u make 1 for the pengiuns? *crosby or Limeux wud b great*
#10 Old 26th Jan 2006 at 6:37 AM
great jersey, how can i get the one for my female sim, and can you make anything else with the leafs, or even the staney cup
Test Subject
Original Poster
#11 Old 28th Jan 2006 at 12:20 AM Last edited by Teryl : 28th Jan 2006 at 12:23 AM. Reason: error
I am glad you like them! I will eventually make many more. Visit my site below ...

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Original Poster
#12 Old 20th May 2006 at 3:02 AM
Default Female Leafs Jersey
Quote: Originally posted by joeblow_from_kokamo
great jersey, how can i get the one for my female sim, and can you make anything else with the leafs, or even the staney cup

Yes I have made a female Leafs jersey, at my site. Enjoy!

Lab Assistant
#13 Old 20th Sep 2007 at 10:09 PM
go leafs! as i was born in north york toronto, i am a leaf fan at heart. woot. ty

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