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"TESTERS WANTED" Newspaper Hack[Added picture] [By wintermuteai1]

by shaythong8 Posted 9th Feb 2005 at 12:50 AM - Updated 15th Oct 2008 at 10:26 PM by Christy1077
46 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 44 Feedback Posts, 1 Thanks Posts
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#26 Old 14th Mar 2005 at 9:19 AM
Doe anyone know if this works with Uni? Has anyone tested it?
#27 Old 18th Mar 2005 at 6:32 AM
Default Works Great, Thanks :)
Just wanted to let ya know..I,ve been using it for 4 days now with out a single proplem..Works great...even moved them out of the way & put them on the lawn !! Thanks..Major improvement to the game.
Test Subject
#28 Old 20th Mar 2005 at 12:56 AM
Cool idea... cannot wait to try it.
Field Researcher
#29 Old 28th Mar 2005 at 1:39 AM
i love it, i use it all the time
Test Subject
#30 Old 28th Mar 2005 at 1:46 AM
EP ready?
Lab Assistant
#31 Old 25th Apr 2005 at 1:26 PM
Ya know, you dont have to use this hack. Just use boolprop testingcheatsenabled true in neighborhood mode, then enter the lot you want. Hit shift, then click on the newspaper. More options show up also.
Lab Assistant
#32 Old 2nd May 2005 at 8:40 AM
Sorry, didnt see the previous post.
Lab Assistant
#33 Old 3rd May 2005 at 3:02 PM
Thanks for bringing this hack back. So nice of you.
Test Subject
#34 Old 4th May 2005 at 3:33 AM
I also want to know if this is EP ready
#35 Old 6th May 2005 at 3:23 PM
I too would like to know if it is EP ready?? Please
Lab Assistant
#36 Old 6th May 2005 at 5:02 PM
Yes it is EP ready and it does seem to work with the new Uni careers.

My sims do not have to go to Uni to get the new careers, they use the newspaper. Also you can get all the career objects, INCLUDING the new uni ones.

This is one hack I could not live without.
Test Subject
#37 Old 14th May 2005 at 5:21 PM
Great idea thanx I love it great for job rewards. I need this for a story be shore to murder in holo st. thanx.
#38 Old 30th May 2005 at 10:09 AM
Good stuff and works properly. I was wondering if in a next update, if ever, could you make the 'read' function more meanfull, something like... the Sim who read the newspaper for more tha 10 simminutes will gain one, and only one, tick on one (randomly) of his/her interests (personality).
Field Researcher
#39 Old 3rd Jun 2005 at 3:09 AM
this is much safer than debug mode, i like it. thanks!
Test Subject
#40 Old 4th Jun 2005 at 5:42 AM
nice! i really like this! I'll download it in a jiffy!
Test Subject
#41 Old 19th May 2006 at 5:02 AM
Yeah, thank you again for releasing the mod, i can;t even find the original news paper hack on this site, i think it got deleten or moved. Well, thanks.
Lab Assistant
#42 Old 27th Dec 2006 at 8:18 PM
Thank you so much for this. But could you update this for pets? pretty please!
Lab Assistant
#43 Old 13th Jan 2007 at 12:36 AM
I'll second what Shat wrote. I downloaded this a year ago, and it's been the most useful added object to my game. Unfortunately, now I'm going to have to delete it, since it does not work with Pets. Oh, the Sims can read it and pick it up and throw it away, but if you try to use the cheat features, you'll get an error message, so you can no longer use it for setting jobs, which is pretty much the whole point of it.
Test Subject
#44 Old 7th Mar 2007 at 11:29 AM
is this hack capable for Pets?
Test Subject
#45 Old 19th Jul 2007 at 12:32 AM
Quote: Originally posted by lysacekaya
is this hack capable for Pets?

No I guess not cause it's not working here. wintermuteai1 has got the updated ones, even for seasons. :p
Test Subject
#46 Old 18th Aug 2010 at 11:52 PM
it wont let my sims get jobs
Mad Poster
#47 Old 8th Dec 2021 at 9:14 PM
Thank you.
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