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by cruelqueen Posted 26th Feb 2005 at 11:49 AM - Updated 5th Jan 2007 at 5:24 AM by cruelqueen
12 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 11 Feedback Posts
Retired Moderator
retired moderator
#2 Old 28th Feb 2005 at 9:09 AM
Picture, please?
Test Subject
#3 Old 28th Feb 2005 at 11:20 PM
Yes, a picture would be most appreciated.
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 1st Mar 2005 at 2:17 AM
and anyone that knows how to edit meshes for genders should make that braided, pulled back hair available for men, that would work for his hair if the texture were redone
Test Subject
#5 Old 1st Mar 2005 at 2:55 PM
Please...the Picture!!!!!!
Test Subject
#6 Old 1st Mar 2005 at 10:40 PM Last edited by Lord Ladiness of Toast : 1st Mar 2005 at 10:45 PM.

These are some pics of the Legolas download. Since the creator was having problems here are mine. Can everyone see them okay?

The's someone in my head but it's not me.- Pink Floyd
Test Subject
Original Poster
#7 Old 2nd Mar 2005 at 5:06 AM
Thanks for the help , they seem OK .
Test Subject
#8 Old 3rd Mar 2005 at 11:32 PM
Yes, cruelqueen certainly mastered Orlando Bloom's "confused" look. :wtf2: I think I'll dl him just to make him gay with Goopy, my most hated NPC. Did I mention I'm not particularly fond of dear old Orlie? But cudos to cruelqueen, it looks just like the real thing.

I have him. He is nothing more than less
Than something simple not yet understood;
I shall not even force him to confess;
Or answer. I will only make him good.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#9 Old 7th Mar 2005 at 5:24 AM
Hey , everyone have the right to opinion . I like Orlando better then Brad Pitt , I think Brad it' too arogant and selfish .
Test Subject
#10 Old 7th Mar 2005 at 9:17 AM
wow! sexy!

but i just have to make him gay...:D
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 14th Mar 2005 at 8:09 AM
mmm orlando...
#12 Old 28th Aug 2005 at 8:27 AM
-kisses- tastes like hottness

Test Subject
#13 Old 14th Oct 2008 at 5:54 PM
Here I found a great Legolas hair: