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VAMPIRES - Tutorial be gone

by Tanja1986 Posted 3rd Feb 2017 at 10:15 PM - Updated 21st Mar 2017 at 8:03 PM by Tanja1986
18 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 13 Feedback Posts, 4 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#2 Old 3rd Feb 2017 at 11:25 PM
Thank you so much for this mod! This makes playing my non-vampire save files a lot better!
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 5th Feb 2017 at 1:09 AM
Default This is what I needed!!
I played with the vampires ever since it came out, but I want to get back to playing with regular human sims again. I'm getting really tired of Vlad trying to drink from my Sim so this is just what I needed.

BTW, I don't mind vampires in Forgotten Hollow, but in the other worlds where there's so much light... it just doesn't make any sense in the games that I play, in my opinion.
Criminal Mastermind
retired moderator THANKS POST
#4 Old 5th Feb 2017 at 8:01 PM
Out of curiosity, does this mod also eliminates the gifts being sent to my Vampires when the Vampire Lair trait is activated on the lot? Not that I don't mind free stuff, but the frequency of the gifts through the mail is a lot more than I liked.

I never thought about this mod until I came across it. Caleb IS annoying as f... you get the picture. He's always calling up my Vampires at random times to ask them out to different events during DAYLIGHT hours. His wife, Lilith, is also like him. Calling up my Vampires at all hours. When MY Vampires call them, they say they're in bed. The clock said 1 AM. Figures.. I hope this mod eliminates Caleb and Lilith's tendencies to call at different times to ask my Vampires out.

Figured to ask here first if this mod covers that or maybe a version that will allow the gifts to be sent oh once a week, not every day. That could explain why the mail woman was angry all the time.... Hmmm..
Original Poster
#5 Old 5th Feb 2017 at 10:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Chaavik
Out of curiosity, does this mod also eliminates the gifts being sent to my Vampires when the Vampire Lair trait is activated on the lot? Not that I don't mind free stuff, but the frequency of the gifts through the mail is a lot more than I liked.

I never thought about this mod until I came across it. Caleb IS annoying as f... you get the picture. He's always calling up my Vampires at random times to ask them out to different events during DAYLIGHT hours. His wife, Lilith, is also like him. Calling up my Vampires at all hours. When MY Vampires call them, they say they're in bed. The clock said 1 AM. Figures.. I hope this mod eliminates Caleb and Lilith's tendencies to call at different times to ask my Vampires out.

Figured to ask here first if this mod covers that or maybe a version that will allow the gifts to be sent oh once a week, not every day. That could explain why the mail woman was angry all the time.... Hmmm..

As far as I know Caleb calling you is because you have a good relationship with him? Because it is quite easy to build relationship with him and he also always is the only sim in the welcome wagon! I did not delete social events, which this falls under! I got rid of the introduction of vampires! Meaning House Invasions, Vlad's welcome message and the invitation from those vamps to call your sim to show them something and then offer to turn your sim. Ergo if you start a new game, the sim won't get these anymore. Because I said false on all possible days they were allowed on! The social events were people call you up to visit the festivals etc. has something to do with not living in SM and therefore your sim cannot check the boards to see when a festival starts. This has nothing to do with vampires, it just depends where you live I assume! If you live in Oasis Spring for example I am assuming it will be a normal sim who will call you for these events.

PS. as far as I know Lilith and Caleb are siblings! She is not his wife, in my game he is always single and responds rather positive to any of my female sims who are flirting with him. No idea why but he seems to be special in the game! He is also quite responsive when it comes to being a daddy! I love this vampire!

The Truth is out there!
#6 Old 6th Feb 2017 at 12:10 AM
I hope you don't mind me asking a question.......will I need this Mod if I don't have the latest Vampire EP?

I have only just recently started playing Sims 4 again, so I am a little out of touch.

My game is fully patched, and I don't want Vampires in my game!
Criminal Mastermind
retired moderator
#7 Old 6th Feb 2017 at 2:50 AM
If you don't own the Vampires pack, you don't need this mod. IF you do get the Vampires pack, you can always check back here and grab it.

Tanja, thanks for the response! I didn't realize Caleb and Lilith were siblings. For some reason, I thought they were because they looked quite peculiar together. Vlad never did call my Vampires with those tutorials since they live in Forgotten Hollow too. I wondered if that is because Vlad and my Vampire didn't like each other or if I turned off all of the tutorials via the game options. But Caleb keeps calling my Vampires wanting to take my Vampires with him to various places. I don't mind that, but not every few hours or days/nights. The calls should be triggered if the relationship decays to a point that working on the relationships (or friendships) would be worth it. That's just me being a little different with a certain preference for playing Sims 4.
#8 Old 6th Feb 2017 at 12:41 PM
Thank you Chaavik for the feedback
Forum Resident
#9 Old 8th Feb 2017 at 5:54 PM
#10 Old 10th Feb 2017 at 7:17 PM
It doesn't stop a Vampire sim from sneaking into the house but it stops them from going to the "human" Sim.
Original Poster
#11 Old 21st Mar 2017 at 8:03 PM
03.21.2017: Today I've uploaded a new version as it came to my awareness that some people in rare cases still had these Drama Nodes active, some even received no message, yet the vampire came over in a surprise moment! I deleted the duration of the hours and the time schedule and set everything to 0 which should now make it so it is truly gone.

The Truth is out there!
Original Poster
#12 Old 23rd Mar 2017 at 11:07 PM

This mod is compatible with patch:

The Truth is out there!
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 7th Apr 2017 at 4:43 AM
Hey Tanja, can you make a Mod that gives vampires back their Reflection????

It's jarring as fuck with them not having it so it'd be amazing if you could make them have reflections!

Please also make this a stand alone mod Because I'm okay with Default Vamps i just want some damn reflections.
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 15th Apr 2017 at 1:03 AM
Is this working with the new patch?
Test Subject
#15 Old 3rd Aug 2017 at 8:48 AM
I hate to say it but since the last update, my human family is back being the mercy of Val the vampire. I love it when it was working but now...well you know. Can you update so I can play my human family in peace or I have to go back playing only vampire family again....
Test Subject
#16 Old 21st Jun 2018 at 4:02 AM
Does this mod work with the seasons patch?
Test Subject
#17 Old 9th Jul 2018 at 6:19 PM
Doesn't work. Vlad still calls me.
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 6th Sep 2019 at 9:20 PM
Can someone update this?