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Emotional Inertia Classic

by roBurky Posted 5th Mar 2017 at 10:41 AM - Updated 14th Jan 2021 at 4:53 PM by roBurky : v1.13.1 released
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Lab Assistant
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#76 Old 26th Jun 2018 at 12:50 PM
My mods are all still compatible with the 1.44.77 patch and the Seasons expansion pack, and can continue to be used.
I did upload a new file v12 today for Emotional Inertia that removes the in-game menu, as I expect now that I won't be adding configuration options to this design of Emotional Inertia.

Instead, I have a big re-imagining of the mod that I am currently testing as part of my upcoming Meaningful Stories mod pack. In this design, instead of 'Still X' moodlets being added when the sim's mood changes, the moodlets that put them in to their mood get their duration extended, and it takes more moodlets from another emotion to make them change mood. Making it feel like it is something specific that happened to the sim that is making them still feel sad or inspired hours later.
Test Subject
#77 Old 16th Oct 2018 at 2:51 PM
Lab Assistant
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#78 Old 13th Nov 2018 at 9:26 PM
The mod is now compatible with The Sims 4 1.47 / The Get Famous patch.

v1.13.0.0 Changelog:
- Python 3.3 (for The Sims 4 1.46) and Python 3.7 (for The Sims 4 1.47+) script files included.
Lab Assistant
#79 Old 13th Nov 2018 at 10:15 PM
thanks for the update. Hopefully no problems with it.
Test Subject
#80 Old 26th Nov 2018 at 5:59 AM
Seem to be having issues with the mod, or maybe I'm not understanding it correctly. My sim had the focused mood and it eventually ran out down the to the fragile +1 stage with no timer. At this point, I had him psych himself up in mirror to gain the Confidence moodlet. However, it did not override the focused mood and he remained focused instead of switching to confident. The confident moodlet stayed secondary with its +1 even though it was more recent than the focused one. Is this working as intended?
Lab Assistant
#81 Old 4th Dec 2018 at 6:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by aceposse
Seem to be having issues with the mod, or maybe I'm not understanding it correctly. My sim had the focused mood and it eventually ran out down the to the fragile +1 stage with no timer. At this point, I had him psych himself up in mirror to gain the Confidence moodlet. However, it did not override the focused mood and he remained focused instead of switching to confident. The confident moodlet stayed secondary with its +1 even though it was more recent than the focused one. Is this working as intended?

Yes, the purpose of the mod is to make your sim's emotions last longer so that they're not as easily changed. So in your situation, your sim will only become confident (or whatever the next most recent/strongest mood is) once the focused mood has gone away. It should show a 'Still focused' moodlet - this is added by the mod so you'll know that it's working hope that makes sense!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#82 Old 4th Dec 2018 at 7:39 PM
Quote: Originally posted by aceposse
Seem to be having issues with the mod, or maybe I'm not understanding it correctly. My sim had the focused mood and it eventually ran out down the to the fragile +1 stage with no timer. At this point, I had him psych himself up in mirror to gain the Confidence moodlet. However, it did not override the focused mood and he remained focused instead of switching to confident. The confident moodlet stayed secondary with its +1 even though it was more recent than the focused one. Is this working as intended?

This particular version of Emotional Inertia doesn't change any of the underlying logic of the mood system, so its up to the game when exactly a sim switches mood when there are two equal moodlets. In my experience, when two moods have an equal score, the sim's mood will swap back and forth occasionally. Except when this mod is installed, once the mood changes, the mood scores will be different and it won't be swapping back again.
So while it might not happen immediately, I would expect that sim to switch to confident at some point.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#83 Old 8th Feb 2019 at 3:46 PM
My mod Meaningful Stories is now available! It is made up of the best of all of my work redesigning the emotions of The Sims over the past two years, including a new design of Emotional Inertia. If you've been enjoying this mod, I recommend you try out Meaningful Stories!

Meaningful Stories is a mod pack that redesigns the mood and emotions system of The Sims 4. This collection of changes big and small aims to allow your sims to feel more human, to make the events in their lives feel more meaningful, and to turn managing their lives into a more interesting challenge.

Your sim might get into a depressive rut for days that takes planning and effort and some help from their friends to overcome. Or your sim's creative nature might be filling them with inspiration when they ought to be focused instead, so you send them to work on their novel to get the ideas out of their head. But then something special happens, like a new friend, a promotion, or a first kiss, and they feel truly happy for once, in a way they never have before.

There's a full description available here of the new design of Emotional Inertia included in Meaningful Stories. The change in approach is that instead of adding new moodlets, it makes the sim's existing moodlets stronger and longer-lasting. The aim was for it to feel like it is something specific making your sim feel sad or tense for a long time.
Emotional Inertia in Meaningful Stories
Once a sim is feeling a mood or emotion, moodlets that match their current mood will have inertia, and will behave differently.

Moods change less - Moodlets affected by inertia will have an increased strength relative to moodlets from other moods. The sim's mood will only change when their feelings of another mood are considerably stronger. It may take multiple moodlets to cause a change in their mood.

Moods last longer - Moodlets affected by inertia will have an extended duration. Once your sim is feeling something, they may stay feeling that way for some time, until something new happens to them.

Moods have unique gameplay - Positive moods each have a unique condition to lose their extended duration and stop lasting longer. Avoid them when you want your sim's mood to last longer, or seek them out when you want to change their mood.
  • Inspiration is used up by doing creative things.
  • Focus requires the use of mental skills to maintain it.
  • Energized is used up by doing active things like exercise and cleaning.
  • Playfulness is drained when a sim is without company.
  • Confidence and flirtiness are affected by worries and doubts like tension and embarrassment.
Some personality traits have their own unique inertia effects.
  • Loner sims can stay playful for longer when alone.
  • Loner sims lose playfulness and confidence when near strangers.
  • Outgoing sims lose confidence when there is nobody else nearby.

Moods can linger - When a sim's mood has only recently changed, it can be more resistant for a short while to changing again. If the moodlets that put the sim in this mood are removed in this time, the feelings can linger on for a moment.
Test Subject
#84 Old 13th Mar 2020 at 5:08 PM
This is one of my must-haves and absolute favorite mods~
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#85 Old 13th Jan 2021 at 11:42 PM
The mod is updated to work with up to the 1.69.59 game patch. It is also renamed to Emotional Inertia Classic to emphasise that this is no longer the current design for Emotional Inertia, but is still here for anyone who prefers it.
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