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Fitness Controls

by roBurky Posted 30th Nov 2017 at 9:41 PM - Updated 20th May 2024 at 1:56 PM by roBurky : Updated for game version 1.105.297
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Lab Assistant
#101 Old 11th Sep 2019 at 6:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by shygirl68
Roburky has this mod here(which has been updated)

Nope, the version there is identical to this one.
Lab Assistant
#102 Old 9th Dec 2019 at 2:48 AM
Can you please make a 1.5x version, the 1.75 clips through bedsheet when sleeping and even some chairs, which sims do both sit and sleep on a daily basis, actually would love the slider range increase to be it's standalone mod, would love to know if you read my feedback ideas and tell me what you think RoBurky!
Test Subject
#103 Old 9th Aug 2020 at 11:40 PM
This mod is no longer working after the eco lifestyle exp & July 2020 patch. Sims in my neighborhood are losing weight or gaining muscle mass even with this mod installed.
Test Subject
#104 Old 17th Aug 2021 at 6:01 PM
I downloaded this and experienced sims becoming very beefy as well even though they weren't supposed to.
Test Subject
#105 Old 4th Feb 2022 at 7:43 PM
This mod looks great! But how do you actually USE the fitness controls (Exaggerated) in CAS?
Test Subject
#106 Old 17th Aug 2022 at 2:42 PM
Fantastic mod. If you use this I recommend going with the 3.0 "exaggerated" package. I don't consider it exaggerated at all. Overweight people do look very similar to that and on the other side of the spectrum - bodybuilders(males and females) also look very similar. This is probably the best mod to get real life similar looking women bodybuilders in the game. The problem with the base game(and the lower values of this mod) is that females don't look nearly as buff as they do in real life(as professional bodybuilders). If you do go with the "exaggerated" package I recommend tweaking the weight loss/gain setting to something reasonable. I'd say around 3-7 depending on personal preference. By default it's way too slow to burn off fat or build bulk. You could be at the gym half a day for many days(in sim time) and not getting much of any visible change.

We have to consider that the normal sim life is around 90 days. Let's round that up to a sim day being 1 year of human time. You see where I'm going with this. The rate you build bulk or gain weight has to be tweaked to more realistic values. I personally found that something around the ballpark of 3-7(if you use exaggerated!) is good enough. Correct me if I am wrong but when you use this mod it multiplies the old value hence it'll by default take longer to build muscles or gain weight.
Test Subject
#107 Old 6th Sep 2022 at 9:41 AM
Default No longer working
This mod is sadly no longer working properly. It is now blocking sexual orientation options in CAS.
Test Subject
#108 Old 28th Oct 2022 at 7:33 AM
It looks like some of the files on this page are out of date. Not the main core files, just the weight limits ones. When I downloaded from here, I noticed a .txt file, which had a link to a different download page, and the weight limits files there were from July 2022, whereas the ones on this page are from December 2020.
Test Subject
#109 Old 8th May 2023 at 1:17 AM
Quote: Originally posted by QuinoaFalafel
It looks like some of the files on this page are out of date. Not the main core files, just the weight limits ones. When I downloaded from here, I noticed a .txt file, which had a link to a different download page, and the weight limits files there were from July 2022, whereas the ones on this page are from December 2020.

The files are not just a bit out of date now, but it seems there are new files for all new versions on that website. Would be good, if someone could update the section here
Test Subject
#110 Old 21st Dec 2023 at 12:52 PM
Looks like it's still being updated here:
Test Subject
#111 Old 26th Jul 2024 at 11:23 PM
Just letting people know that this mod is also affecting the Romantic Boundaries in the Lovestruck update (v1.108.318) as well as the prior broken Sexual Orientation.
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