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Pets and toddlers on Vacation

by Lamare Posted 10th Feb 2018 at 1:10 PM - Updated 1st Jan 2021 at 9:53 PM by Lamare : Optional downloads
55 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 20 Feedback Posts, 34 Thanks Posts
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#51 Old 30th Nov 2021 at 10:41 PM
Mad Poster
#52 Old 3rd May 2022 at 1:43 AM
thank you
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#53 Old 20th Apr 2023 at 2:00 PM
Omg Thank You So Much!!!
Lab Assistant
#54 Old 15th Oct 2023 at 4:03 AM
Thank you! I love being able to take toddlers and pets on vacation. Thats what I do in real life. Now to go and plan that family vacation.
Mad Poster
#55 Old 16th Feb 2024 at 12:26 PM
Does anybody know of the compatibility of this and CJH_GlobalOverrides(Pets+)? I notice several conflicts in Car Menus, Lot Transitions, and other things.

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#56 Old 20th Apr 2024 at 9:32 PM
SUPER useful!!! So tired of hiring that nanny
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