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Better Romance

by simler90 Posted 26th Oct 2018 at 8:14 AM - Updated 12th Jan 2023 at 3:23 AM by simler90 : UPDATE 26
114 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 74 Feedback Posts, 39 Thanks Posts
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Lab Assistant
#101 Old 29th Feb 2024 at 7:15 PM
Quote: Originally posted by rosalegal2005
You are great for doing this.

Thanks! Appreciate that. It wasn't much to do, but glad I could be of help and thanks for pointing me towards a nice mod I hadn't known about! It was always really annoying that Sims would flirt randomly!

I appreciate all feedback and am open to suggestions.
You can get news related to my mods here. Feel free to follow me for updates.
Supporting me is definitely not required, but if you feel inclined to do so, it's greatly appreciated.
Field Researcher
#102 Old 1st Mar 2024 at 6:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Mokunoid
Thanks! Appreciate that. It wasn't much to do, but glad I could be of help and thanks for pointing me towards a nice mod I hadn't known about! It was always really annoying that Sims would flirt randomly!

Test Subject
#103 Old 1st Mar 2024 at 11:29 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Mokunoid
Since simler90's policy specifies that they're OK with other modders altering their mods as long as they aren't uploaded to pay sites, I've updated their mod and am sharing it here There are two versions--one is tuned a little differently (Mokunoid Version) to compensate for Sims' "compatibility" feature. If simler90 returns and would like me to remove my versions, I will.
simler90 deserves credit for the mod. I've just tinkered with it.

oh mokunoid the king that you are
Lab Assistant
#104 Old 6th Mar 2024 at 3:32 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CruelSummer
oh mokunoid the king that you are

Thanks! Mokunoid certainly enjoys the praise. He is quite the conceited bird and lets me know it everyday.

I appreciate all feedback and am open to suggestions.
You can get news related to my mods here. Feel free to follow me for updates.
Supporting me is definitely not required, but if you feel inclined to do so, it's greatly appreciated.
Field Researcher
#105 Old 7th Mar 2024 at 10:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Mokunoid
Since simler90's policy specifies that they're OK with other modders altering their mods as long as they aren't uploaded to pay sites, I've updated their mod and am sharing it here There are two versions--one is tuned a little differently (Mokunoid Version) to compensate for Sims' "compatibility" feature. If simler90 returns and would like me to remove my versions, I will.
simler90 deserves credit for the mod. I've just tinkered with it.

Thanks a lot mate!

One Sim to rule them all, One Sim to find them, One Sim to bring them all, And with bodyshop bind them
Lab Assistant
#106 Old 7th Mar 2024 at 11:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Garkman
Thanks a lot mate!

Glad to be of help!

I appreciate all feedback and am open to suggestions.
You can get news related to my mods here. Feel free to follow me for updates.
Supporting me is definitely not required, but if you feel inclined to do so, it's greatly appreciated.
Field Researcher
#107 Old 13th Mar 2024 at 6:06 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Mokunoid
Since simler90's policy specifies that they're OK with other modders altering their mods as long as they aren't uploaded to pay sites, I've updated their mod and am sharing it here There are two versions--one is tuned a little differently (Mokunoid Version) to compensate for Sims' "compatibility" feature. If simler90 returns and would like me to remove my versions, I will.
simler90 deserves credit for the mod. I've just tinkered with it.

Just saw this when checking for updates. Glad I checked the comments. Thank you for updating the mod.
Lab Assistant
#108 Old 21st Mar 2024 at 6:01 PM Last edited by Mokunoid : 21st Mar 2024 at 10:47 PM.
Here is an alternate version (Mokunoid version 2) which makes "Player" and "Noncommittal" Sims more likely to cheat, since they seemed to not accept interactions frequently enough in my recent testing. Download link

Again, Simler90 is the creator and deserves credit for the mod.

I appreciate all feedback and am open to suggestions.
You can get news related to my mods here. Feel free to follow me for updates.
Supporting me is definitely not required, but if you feel inclined to do so, it's greatly appreciated.
Field Researcher
#109 Old 21st Mar 2024 at 9:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Mokunoid
Here is an alternate version (Mokunoid version 2) which makes "Player" and "Noncommital" Sims more likely to cheat, since they seemed to not accept interactions frequently enough in my recent testing. Download link

Again, Simler90 is the creator and deserves credit for the mod.

And thanks again for the updates.
Lab Assistant
#110 Old 21st Mar 2024 at 10:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by rosalegal2005
And thanks again for the updates.

You're welcome. I figured to leave the other version in case someone preferred it. Basically V1 is just really unlikely anyone accepts cheating, whereas V2 allows cheating easier if a Sim has appropriate traits (non-committal, player, irresponsible, insensitive)

I appreciate all feedback and am open to suggestions.
You can get news related to my mods here. Feel free to follow me for updates.
Supporting me is definitely not required, but if you feel inclined to do so, it's greatly appreciated.
Forum Resident
#111 Old 27th Apr 2024 at 3:15 PM Last edited by landerlady12 : 27th Apr 2024 at 4:09 PM. Reason: To add Chingyu's comment from No.72 of this thread
Quote: Originally posted by Mokunoid
You're welcome. I figured to leave the other version in case someone preferred it. Basically V1 is just really unlikely anyone accepts cheating, whereas V2 allows cheating easier if a Sim has appropriate traits (non-committal, player, irresponsible, insensitive)

Thank you so much for updating this mod! I have missed it alot! Random flirting recently destroyed one of my favorite couples in game and sent me searching for an update to this!
I remember that this mod had some incompatibilities with I think Chingyu's Faithfulness mod previously. Could you consider finding a way to make V2 of this mod compatible with Chingyu's mod? I think Chingyu had a suggestion of a modification back then that would help.

Here is Chingyu's suggestion in no.72 of this thread:

"Hi simler! I saw that you included 00000000_0000000000025A3F_testSet_UnflirtyTraitRomanticSocialsAutonomous in the latest updates of Better Romance.
Could you upload a separable version of other files without this snippet tunning?

I have made an option of referring to your testcscore ID here:

I hope this wouldn't bother you too much."
Test Subject
#112 Old 30th Apr 2024 at 10:53 PM
hi, i cant put this in my mods folder, it says the file name you specified is not valid or too long.

how can i fix this??
Test Subject
#113 Old 23rd May 2024 at 8:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Mokunoid
Here is an alternate version (Mokunoid version 2) which makes "Player" and "Noncommittal" Sims more likely to cheat, since they seemed to not accept interactions frequently enough in my recent testing. Download link

Again, Simler90 is the creator and deserves credit for the mod.

Omg thank you so much for updating this! This is exactly what I wanted
Test Subject
#114 Old 13th Oct 2024 at 5:20 AM
So Mokunoid (or Simler90) hasn't updated their version recently or cleared it as compatible. Tyjokr has created their own version called Romance Success Tweaks. Here is their link:
Field Researcher
#115 Old 20th Oct 2024 at 10:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by emmijane
So Mokunoid (or Simler90) hasn't updated their version recently or cleared it as compatible. Tyjokr has created their own version called Romance Success Tweaks. Here is their link:

Thank you friend for sharing.
Mokunoid is in the rush of everyday life
but said that when he could he would update
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