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Andromeda Living-Room

by Cicada Posted 30th Jun 2020 at 11:33 AM - Updated 21st Jul 2021 at 4:44 PM by Cicada
Smeg Head
#2 Old 1st Jul 2020 at 3:36 AM
Very nice work. The galaxy pictures look very clear. Looking forward to seeing them in game.

As another interesting note about dear, old Andromeda. She's on a direct collision course with the Milky Way, due in about five billion years. But I'm sure with each smaller step of a million years or so, she'll get bigger and bigger in our night sky. Till one day she will fill the sky, even during the day. Not that our own Sun will be in any great shape by then. So yeah, let's enjoy these fabulous pictures of her while there's still some love for the majesty and mystery of it all. Because after she smacks headlong into us, I think the love will be gone. (If humans are still stuck here by then, they're definitely doing something wrong!)

Lovely work, cheers.

"Become a government informer. Betray your family and friends. Fabulous prizes to be won!" Red Dwarf - Back to Reality.

Find all my TS4 mods and lots here: Main Website - My Section - coolspear's Mods & Lots
Test Subject
#3 Old 4th Jul 2020 at 2:10 AM
i always wanted to have some good looking futuristic furniture Thx ;-)
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 22nd Jul 2020 at 4:33 PM
Love this ♥♥
Forum Resident
#5 Old 25th Aug 2020 at 9:05 PM
Lovely meshes thank you .