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Glowing Eye of Anubis from YuGiOh

by SallyCompaq122 Posted 13th Sep 2023 at 6:01 PM
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 14th Sep 2023 at 1:35 AM
This looks Amazing ! I am eager to try it ingame. -Thank You Much .
Test Subject
#3 Old 17th Sep 2023 at 1:07 AM
Hey, i had tested them in game, they are cool
Test Subject
#4 Old 5th Feb 2024 at 10:50 AM
Love the Yu-Gi-Oh stuff you have made so far. Would love to see the Millennium Items eventually.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#5 Old 28th May 2024 at 11:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by KyotoJiro
Love the Yu-Gi-Oh stuff you have made so far. Would love to see the Millennium Items eventually.

Thank you! That is my goal. I am hoping to create the Millennium Necklace sometime this year since I now have some experience creating necklace accessories.