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Tiny UI Fix for The Sims 3

by Just Harry Posted 27th Dec 2023 at 9:48 PM - Updated 15th Sep 2024 at 3:07 AM by Just Harry
197 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 173 Feedback Posts, 23 Thanks Posts
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#176 Old 22nd Sep 2024 at 6:25 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Just Harry
It's hard to say without knowing more. Just to be sure, were the "Vanilla Core DLL Compatibility Patches", "Compatibility Patches for NRaas Mods", and "Compatibility Patch for LazyDuchess's Smooth Patch" patchsets enabled when you installed the Tiny UI Fix?
Also, were any warnings or errors logged by the script? (The script can log quite a bit, so they're easy to miss!)

Yes, I've checked every option because it was recommended to me, and I haven't noticed any errors in the script.
Test Subject
#177 Old 22nd Sep 2024 at 6:44 PM
Thank you so much for creating this mod! When running the script I get this error and when trying to create a package the tiny ui fix folder is empty. I'd appreciate any help.

An unexpected error occurred. Should you like assistance with this error, please assist those assisting you by copying the indented text into your request for assistance. The error was:
????= Tiny UI Fix version 1.5.1, running on PowerShell v5.1.19041.4894, on Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0 =
????Das Argument kann nicht an den Parameter "Path" gebunden werden, da es NULL ist.
????HRESULT: 80131501
????The type of error was: System.Management.Automation.ParameterBindingValidationException
????The line that caused the error was: $GamePackPath = Join-Path $_.Path $GamePackSharedFolderSuffix
????The error occurred:
????????bei System.Management.Automation.ExceptionHandlingOps.CheckActionPreference(FunctionContext funcContext, Exception exception)
????????bei System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.ActionCallInstruction`2.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
????????bei System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.EnterTryCatchFinallyInstruction.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
????????bei System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.EnterTryCatchFinallyInstruction.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
????????bei System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.EnterTryCatchFinallyInstruction.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
????????bei <ScriptBlock>, C:\Users\User\Downloads\MTS_DJOmega_2199823_tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3.bat\tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3\Use-TinyUIFixForTS3.ps1: Zeile 2389
????????bei Resolve-ResourcePrioritiesForSims3Installation, C:\Users\User\Downloads\MTS_DJOmega_2199823_tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3.bat\tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3\Use-TinyUIFixForTS3.ps1: Zeile 2388
????????bei Resolve-ResourcePrioritiesForSims3InstallationForUIScaling, C:\Users\User\Downloads\MTS_DJOmega_2199823_tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3.bat\tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3\Use-TinyUIFixForTS3.ps1: Zeile 5536
????????bei <ScriptBlock>, C:\Users\User\Downloads\MTS_DJOmega_2199823_tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3.bat\tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3\Use-TinyUIFixForTS3.ps1: Zeile 6767
????????bei <ScriptBlock>, C:\Users\User\Downloads\MTS_DJOmega_2199823_tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3.bat\tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3\tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3-Bootstrap.ps1: Zeile 75
????????bei <ScriptBlock>, <Keine Datei>: Zeile 1
????????bei <ScriptBlock>, <Keine Datei>: Zeile 1
Test Subject
#178 Old 22nd Sep 2024 at 8:40 PM
would you be willing to upload the older version of the UI mod? It seems to work better for my game
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#179 Old 23rd Sep 2024 at 12:30 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Marsik
Yes, I've checked every option because it was recommended to me, and I haven't noticed any errors in the script.

Hmm, are you using any mods? If so, does this happen when the mods are disabled? If not, could you list any mods that you think might be conflicting, please? I can whip up a compatibility patchset for any conflicts.

If it still happens without any mods... I can put together a special build of the script with some extra logging to find out what's going wrong.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#180 Old 23rd Sep 2024 at 12:36 AM
Quote: Originally posted by meilin04
Thank you so much for creating this mod! When running the script I get this error and when trying to create a package the tiny ui fix folder is empty. I'd appreciate any help.

Odd, it seems as though your game's registry entries are either missing some values, or have different names than the script expects.
Would you be able to open PowerShell, run this command, and post the result here, please? Or, if you're using the Steam version, skip this and let me know.
$Registry = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenBaseKey([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine, [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryView]::Registry32); '70s 80s & 90s Stuff', 'Ambitions', 'Diesel Stuff', 'Fast Lane Stuff', 'Generations', 'High-End Loft Stuff', 'Into The Future', 'Island Paradise', 'Katy Perry Sweet Treats', 'Late Night', 'Master Suite Stuff', 'Movie Stuff', 'Outdoor Living Stuff', 'Pets', 'Seasons', 'Showtime', 'Supernatural', 'Town Life Stuff', 'University Life', 'World Adventures' | % {$Key = $Registry.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Sims\The Sims 3 $_"); "$_$($Names = $Key.GetValueNames(); $Names | % {"`n`t$_`: $($Key.GetValue($_))"})"}
That'll let me determine whether this is something the script needs to handle differently or not.

If the issue is what I think it is, as a quick temporary fix, you can run this command in PowerShell and then run "tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3.bat" again, and hopefully it should work.
$Path = "~\Downloads\MTS_DJOmega_2199823_tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3.bat\tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3.bat"; New-Item -Force -Path $Path -Value ((Get-Content -Raw -Encoding UTF8 -LiteralPath $Path) -replace 'if \(\$Null -ne \$Found\) \{\$Found\}', 'if ($Null -ne $Found -and $Null -ne $Found.Path) {$Found}')
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#181 Old 23rd Sep 2024 at 12:38 AM
Quote: Originally posted by RRSIMMER
would you be willing to upload the older version of the UI mod? It seems to work better for my game :)

Of course, but I already have! Every previous version of the mod can be found in the "Releases" section of its GitHub repository, at:
Test Subject
#182 Old 23rd Sep 2024 at 9:00 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Just Harry
Hmm, are you using any mods? If so, does this happen when the mods are disabled? If not, could you list any mods that you think might be conflicting, please? I can whip up a compatibility patchset for any conflicts.

If it still happens without any mods... I can put together a special build of the script with some extra logging to find out what's going wrong.

I think I've figured out what caused the icons to be offset like that, the mod conflicts with cmar_XCAS_corefull67. When I remove it, everything's fine. I do kinda need this mod installed though...
Test Subject
#183 Old 23rd Sep 2024 at 9:15 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Just Harry
Odd, it seems as though your game's registry entries are either missing some values, or have different names than the script expects.
Would you be able to open PowerShell, run this command, and post the result here, please? Or, if you're using the Steam version, skip this and let me know.
$Registry = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenBaseKey([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine, [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryView]::Registry32); '70s 80s & 90s Stuff', 'Ambitions', 'Diesel Stuff', 'Fast Lane Stuff', 'Generations', 'High-End Loft Stuff', 'Into The Future', 'Island Paradise', 'Katy Perry Sweet Treats', 'Late Night', 'Master Suite Stuff', 'Movie Stuff', 'Outdoor Living Stuff', 'Pets', 'Seasons', 'Showtime', 'Supernatural', 'Town Life Stuff', 'University Life', 'World Adventures' | % {$Key = $Registry.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Sims\The Sims 3 $_"); "$_$($Names = $Key.GetValueNames(); $Names | % {"`n`t$_`: $($Key.GetValue($_))"})"}
That'll let me determine whether this is something the script needs to handle differently or not.

If the issue is what I think it is, as a quick temporary fix, you can run this command in PowerShell and then run "tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3.bat" again, and hopefully it should work.
$Path = "~\Downloads\MTS_DJOmega_2199823_tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3.bat\tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3.bat"; New-Item -Force -Path $Path -Value ((Get-Content -Raw -Encoding UTF8 -LiteralPath $Path) -replace 'if \(\$Null -ne \$Found\) \{\$Found\}', 'if ($Null -ne $Found -and $Null -ne $Found.Path) {$Found}')

I use the Steam version. Now that you mention it, I remember editing the Sims(Steam) registry entry by removing (Steam) in the file to get Create-a-World to work. No idea if that could be the cause as I don't know anything about these things.

The fix worked, thank you so much!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#184 Old 24th Sep 2024 at 6:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Marsik
I think I've figured out what caused the icons to be offset like that, the mod conflicts with cmar_XCAS_corefull67. When I remove it, everything's fine. I do kinda need this mod installed though...

Thanks for getting back to me.
I'm not experiencing the same issue with XCAS (downloaded from I decompiled the generated UI.dll file to be sure that it was the XCAS DLL, and the relevant code was patched correctly.

Perhaps an unscaled version of the XCAS DLL is getting stuck in your game's cache?
Does the issue persist, with your usual mod configuration, if you delete your "scriptCache.package" file?
#185 Old 24th Sep 2024 at 7:32 PM
I'm so sorry to keep asking but do you possibly have any plans in the future to make this compatible with hot swapping loading screens Even if it's just a simple work-around like disabling scaling for loading screens. Your mod is a must-have (and I imagine it will continue to be as higher resolution monitors become more and more mainstream) but I badly miss being able to be surprised with a different loading screen each time I load up the game instead of being stuck with whatever one was in my mods folder at the time of the UI Fix install
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#186 Old 24th Sep 2024 at 8:36 PM Last edited by Just Harry : 24th Sep 2024 at 9:06 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by thesammy58
I'm so sorry to keep asking but do you possibly have any plans in the future to make this compatible with hot swapping loading screens :cry: Even if it's just a simple work-around like disabling scaling for loading screens. Your mod is a must-have (and I imagine it will continue to be as higher resolution monitors become more and more mainstream) but I badly miss being able to be surprised with a different loading screen each time I load up the game instead of being stuck with whatever one was in my mods folder at the time of the UI Fix install

No apology needed for the persistence :)

I can see some utility to being able to mix and match UI scaling multipliers for different parts of the UI, but doing so in a broadly useful way would require categorising ~650-odd layouts, and categorising ~350-odd code patches, and would complicate mod compatibility (EDIT: and it would be really tricky to get it to work properly with the mod's scrollbar and slider replacements)—so it's unlikely that I'll dedicate time to it anytime soon.

Though, in the case of Tesuto's Loading Screen Randomizer, I wonder if a simple edit of the "Resource.cfg" file could remedy the incompatibility?
I couldn't get it to actually run on my machine (thinking back, my lack of an "Overrides" folder might be the cause of that), but my understanding is that the Randomizer works by placing a random package in the "Packages" folder; perhaps you could edit the "Resource.cfg" file to give that package a greater priority than the Tiny UI Fix?

Something like this:
Priority 20000
PackedFile Packages/MTS_Randomizer_*.package

Priority 10000
PackedFile TinyUIFix/tiny-ui-fix.package
Priority 0

Upon re-running the Tiny UI Fix script, you might get a message along the lines of
There are packages that were scaled by the Tiny UI Fix that will be loaded after the Tiny UI Fix, which will cause the scaling to not take effect.
Those packages are: Packages/MTS_Randomizer_LOADING_SCREEN.package

Would you like to adjust the "~/Documents/The Sims 3/Mods/Resource.cfg" file to load TinyUIFix/tiny-ui-fix.package after the scaled packages?

These lines would be added to the start of Resource.cfg:
Priority 20100
PackedFile TinyUIFix/tiny-ui-fix.package
Priority 0

But you could safely say no to that prompt, as the overriding would be intentional.
#187 Old 24th Sep 2024 at 9:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Just Harry
No apology needed for the persistence

I can see some utility to being able to mix and match UI scaling multipliers for different parts of the UI, but doing so in a broadly useful way would require categorising ~650-odd layouts, and categorising ~350-odd code patches, and would complicate mod compatibility (EDIT: and it would be really tricky to get it to work properly with the mod's scrollbar and slider replacements)—so it's unlikely that I'll dedicate time to it anytime soon.

Though, in the case of Tesuto's Loading Screen Randomizer, I wonder if a simple edit of the "Resource.cfg" file could remedy the incompatibility?
I couldn't get it to actually run on my machine (thinking back, my lack of an "Overrides" folder might be the cause of that), but my understanding is that the Randomizer works by placing a random package in the "Packages" folder; perhaps you could edit the "Resource.cfg" file to give that package a greater priority than the Tiny UI Fix?

Something like this:
Priority 20000
PackedFile Packages/MTS_Randomizer_*.package

Priority 10000
PackedFile TinyUIFix/tiny-ui-fix.package
Priority 0

Upon re-running the Tiny UI Fix script, you might get a message along the lines of
There are packages that were scaled by the Tiny UI Fix that will be loaded after the Tiny UI Fix, which will cause the scaling to not take effect.
Those packages are: Packages/MTS_Randomizer_LOADING_SCREEN.package

Would you like to adjust the "~/Documents/The Sims 3/Mods/Resource.cfg" file to load TinyUIFix/tiny-ui-fix.package after the scaled packages?

These lines would be added to the start of Resource.cfg:
Priority 20100
PackedFile TinyUIFix/tiny-ui-fix.package
Priority 0

But you could safely say no to that prompt, as the overriding would be intentional.

You are a GENIUS. That worked flawlessly. I had no idea the mod priority system was so simple. Thank you so much! I will share this with Tesuto in case they want to add that info to their description.
Test Subject
#188 Old 25th Sep 2024 at 1:56 PM
Hi there, first off thanks for this wonderful mod. Only issue I'm having is that the headshots for the sims are broken and showing teeth and messed up forehead etc. Don't know if this is due to my settings being really high with this mod, any ideas? This is my only mod and a brand new save. TYIA!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#189 Old 25th Sep 2024 at 8:22 PM
Quote: Originally posted by iii537
Hi there, first off thanks for this wonderful mod. Only issue I'm having is that the headshots for the sims are broken and showing teeth and messed up forehead etc. Don't know if this is due to my settings being really high with this mod, any ideas? This is my only mod and a brand new save. TYIA!

Nothing's coming to mind... could you share a screenshot of what you're seeing, please? That might help with the troubleshooting.

Perhaps deleting your "simCompositorCache.package" file could help?

Also, are you playing on Windows or on macOS?
Test Subject
#190 Old 26th Sep 2024 at 11:01 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Just Harry
Thanks for getting back to me.
I'm not experiencing the same issue with XCAS (downloaded from I decompiled the generated UI.dll file to be sure that it was the XCAS DLL, and the relevant code was patched correctly.

Perhaps an unscaled version of the XCAS DLL is getting stuck in your game's cache?
Does the issue persist, with your usual mod configuration, if you delete your "scriptCache.package" file?

Hi. I've deleted all cache files (including the script one) numerous times and it didn't solve the issue. I even redownloaded XCAS from the link you provided. Weird stuff ;-;
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#191 Old 28th Sep 2024 at 2:49 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Marsik
Hi. I've deleted all cache files (including the script one) numerous times and it didn't solve the issue. I even redownloaded XCAS from the link you provided. Weird stuff ;-;

I'm sorta out of realistic ideas as to what could be happening.
Could you send me, in a private message, the output logged by the script, and the generated "tiny-ui-fix.package" file, please? (After running the script with your usual mods). (If you're stuck for a file-host, try, with at-least a 3-day expiry).
I can investigate from there.
Lab Assistant
#192 Old 2nd Oct 2024 at 12:11 PM
I noticed a bug. I sometimes cannot scroll down the sort by EP in build or buy mode. It doesn't happen always for some reason
Test Subject
#193 Old 13th Oct 2024 at 6:08 PM
Hello. My antivirus is blocking this program after I run tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3.bat on W11 =(. Another question, is it possible to make the UI smaller, like 0.75x or 0.5x?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#194 Old 13th Oct 2024 at 10:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Gamer4445
Hello. My antivirus is blocking this program after I run tiny-ui-fix-for-ts3.bat on W11 =(. Another question, is it possible to make the UI smaller, like 0.75x or 0.5x?

Unfortunately, I can't do much about that other than suggest that you temporarily disable your anti-virus (or temporarily add an exclusion for PowerShell).

It is possible to reduce the UI-scale, yes! (A jokey example:
Test Subject
#195 Old 17th Oct 2024 at 10:02 PM
I'm having a problem with installing this mod, I'm following all the steps but the shell isn't recognizing my Sims 3 install, and when I press create package the folder is just empty.
I get loads of error messages as well. I have used the no CD mod from NRaas if that matters, and my Sims 3 install and Documents folder are on different drives.
I don't get why it doesn't work.

What I did was:
Download file for Windows 10, put it in The Sims folder in Documents and ran the shell program.
Since it didn't find my install, I downloaded the recommended files, unpacked them in their folder in Documents.
Then I opened the link to the config page, changed what I wanted to change, pressed "create package" and then the shell did it's business (with loads of errors, red text) and then told me to have fun.
I opened Sims 3 in 4K,and the UI was still tiny. Checked the created package folder and it was empty.
Repeated the steps a few times.
Almost cried/ threw my computer out, then decided to play for a bit on the same crap resolution, waited for my membership here to be accepted so I could ask for help.
Wrote this.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give!
Test Subject
#196 Old 3rd Nov 2024 at 8:41 PM
Test Subject
#197 Old 18th Nov 2024 at 5:19 AM
Is this compatible with the Clean UI mod?
Test Subject
#198 Old 20th Nov 2024 at 10:42 AM Last edited by SuddenRain : 20th Nov 2024 at 10:57 AM.
Hello, thank you a billion for making this revolutionary mod for the Sims 3 community.
I just found some problems in CAS mode. It all works fine with creating a family or planning outfits with a dresser in live mode. But if I enter the dress-up room or edit in CAS with NRaas MC, the hairstyle and outfit are wrong. I also checked the beard and body hair, they all work perfectly.
Anyway, thank you for this amazing mod!
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