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The Farmdale

by manicpot8to Posted 15th Jan 2024 at 7:17 PM
#2 Old 16th Jan 2024 at 10:22 AM
This is such a beautiful, inviting house! I just like it's floor plan as well as the interior! Thank you so much!
Trainee Moderator
staff: trainee moderator
Original Poster
#3 Old 16th Jan 2024 at 2:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by BrittaMA
This is such a beautiful, inviting house! I just like it's floor plan as well as the interior! Thank you so much!

Thank you! I'm glad you love it <3

What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly!
Test Subject
#4 Old 3rd Mar 2024 at 1:10 PM