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96 Road to Nowhere - Apartments

by TheCuriousClockwork Posted 19th Mar 2024 at 12:01 AM - Updated 20th Jul 2024 at 8:35 PM by TheCuriousClockwork
6 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 4 Feedback Posts, 1 Thanks Posts
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#2 Old 12th Apr 2024 at 10:45 PM
What lots are next?
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#3 Old 13th Apr 2024 at 6:08 PM
I'm working both on Veronaville and Pleastantview right now. I want to have most of one hood complete before I start uploading. Slowly but surely, there will be more in the future!
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#4 Old 22nd Jul 2024 at 12:45 AM
I really really love your stuff! For some reason it is really hard to find desert/Strangetown buildings so I hope you could do something like a Wedding venue or cemetery maybe? Also if you don't mind me asking, what neighborhood defaults do you use? (road, plants, trees, terrains stuff like that) I just really like how your game looks lol.
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#5 Old 22nd Jul 2024 at 7:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Maddisodapop
I really really love your stuff! For some reason it is really hard to find desert/Strangetown buildings so I hope you could do something like a Wedding venue or cemetery maybe? Also if you don't mind me asking, what neighborhood defaults do you use? (road, plants, trees, terrains stuff like that) I just really like how your game looks lol.

I'm glad you like the builds! I agree that it's hard to find things that look good in the desert so that's why I thought I might as well do it lol. As for other community lots, that's a good idea. I've been thinking about it and I probably will make things like a cemetery and a teen hangout spot like arcade or bowling. I can add a wedding venue to the list as well, why not!

As for defaults, I use Lord Crumps terrian and road defaults . In the pictures of these apartments, I use the Grungy version of their roads but I've recently switched to Suburban. I also use these texture replacements for things like snow and the rocky cliffs by Voeille.

Hood plants that I use are also defaults made by Lord Crumps. They are 4t2 plants but I love that look personally. They are actually meant to work with the 4t2 flora default by Tvickiesims which I also use. The sky I use is called Blurry Sky by Nopke and it's awesome. I love it because it's a default for both hood and lot view. No need to place a sky box in the hood and on each lot.

For lighting, I use Criquette's Lighting mod to make sure lighting matches up with Lot Imposters and Nopke's Accurate Hood Terrain Lighting. There are 4 downloads but you only need one. I personally use the one that ends in "day-accurate-strong-lightingRemedy" because I also use the lighting mod from Criquette.

The skylines I use are the ones I think pretty much everyone uses. They are the seasonal ones from Greatcheesecakepersona.

And that's pretty much it! Thank you for thinking it looks nice and I hope that this helps you if you want to add any of those to your game.
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#6 Old 23rd Jul 2024 at 3:21 AM
Quote: Originally posted by TheCuriousClockwork
I'm glad you like the builds! I agree that it's hard to find things that look good in the desert so that's why I thought I might as well do it lol. As for other community lots, that's a good idea. I've been thinking about it and I probably will make things like a cemetery and a teen hangout spot like arcade or bowling. I can add a wedding venue to the list as well, why not!

As for defaults, I use Lord Crumps terrian and road defaults . In the pictures of these apartments, I use the Grungy version of their roads but I've recently switched to Suburban. I also use these texture replacements for things like snow and the rocky cliffs by Voeille.

Hood plants that I use are also defaults made by Lord Crumps. They are 4t2 plants but I love that look personally. They are actually meant to work with the 4t2 flora default by Tvickiesims which I also use. The sky I use is called Blurry Sky by Nopke and it's awesome. I love it because it's a default for both hood and lot view. No need to place a sky box in the hood and on each lot.

For lighting, I use Criquette's Lighting mod to make sure lighting matches up with Lot Imposters and Nopke's Accurate Hood Terrain Lighting. There are 4 downloads but you only need one. I personally use the one that ends in "day-accurate-strong-lightingRemedy" because I also use the lighting mod from Criquette.

The skylines I use are the ones I think pretty much everyone uses. They are the seasonal ones from Greatcheesecakepersona.

And that's pretty much it! Thank you for thinking it looks nice and I hope that this helps you if you want to add any of those to your game.

Hopefully I'm replying this right I'm actually new to this website! I used to use nopke's skies but I could never get the skylines to show up in game with it so I use the regular skyboxes. I really like the grunge, I like the roads to be two tiles if that makes any sense so that there isn't that weird snow glitch where it doesn't match with the terrain. I'll check out those 4to2 replacements though, do they include all the types of plants? I was concerned they'd look too plastic-y but they actually look pretty nice!
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#7 Old 23rd Jul 2024 at 7:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Maddisodapop
Hopefully I'm replying this right I'm actually new to this website! I used to use nopke's skies but I could never get the skylines to show up in game with it so I use the regular skyboxes. I really like the grunge, I like the roads to be two tiles if that makes any sense so that there isn't that weird snow glitch where it doesn't match with the terrain. I'll check out those 4to2 replacements though, do they include all the types of plants? I was concerned they'd look too plastic-y but they actually look pretty nice!

I know what you mean about the sidewalk being two tiles wide. That was one of the reasons I was using the grunge road. As for the 4t2 plants, yes most outdoor plants that you would find in build mode are converted. If you also want house plants from buy mode converted, LordCrumps also made one. I don't personally see them all as plastic-like but I do like how it makes it look more like I'm playing in a doll house if that makes sense? I also use 4t2 conversions for hairs and clothes lol. Not really a huge fan of alpha cc I guess.