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Ginormous Rocks Mountain Edition: UPDATED File

by Gillianivy Posted 10th Sep 2009 at 6:53 PM - Updated 21st Mar 2011 at 9:20 PM by Gillianivy : File Update
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#2 Old 10th Sep 2009 at 7:08 PM
wow, love these rocks, thank you, thank you.
Test Subject
#3 Old 10th Sep 2009 at 10:29 PM
Those are some big rocks. Yeah.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#4 Old 10th Sep 2009 at 11:14 PM Last edited by Gillianivy : 11th Nov 2009 at 8:48 AM.
Yes, yes they are very big. Can't wait to see what the creative minds around here will do with them XD Try using some acrostacking or geoblending techniques to get them to fit a little better. And moveObjects on is my best friend.
Attached files:
File Type:   aHR0cDovL3d3dy5zaW1zM2NyaS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2Rvd25sb2Fkcy9sb3RzL3Jlc2lkZW50aWFsL3NpbXMzY3JpX1Nvb2tfTGFQ (13.4 KB, 0 downloads)
Description: Related Page "La Park Bunker" by Sookielee

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#5 Old 10th Sep 2009 at 11:18 PM
the game needed big rocks
Field Researcher
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#6 Old 10th Sep 2009 at 11:51 PM
;D cheers

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#7 Old 11th Sep 2009 at 1:54 AM
I was hoping someone would make some big rocks, though these are just a little too big for some things I had planned. And yes, it does look like he's thinking about punching llamas.

Human beings are a very irrational species. Some of them are even afraid of pickles.
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 11th Sep 2009 at 2:08 AM
I reall like it!
Great job.
Thanks a lot!
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#9 Old 11th Sep 2009 at 2:11 AM
Whoden, too big for your plans? Aren't you the one who makes all the flying buildings? Perhaps something must come to mind XD

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#10 Old 11th Sep 2009 at 2:25 AM
ROCKS! I love rocks! ::Sniffles:: now I don't jus' have one anymore. Time to renovate my lot.

Disclaimer: I am just being a goof ball, please ignore me if offended.
Field Researcher
#11 Old 11th Sep 2009 at 6:38 AM
These are wonderful. I don't even think they are too big since they can be "sunk" into the ground. My imagination is in overdrive

Thank you!
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#12 Old 11th Sep 2009 at 10:14 AM
Awesome! Thanks everyone for the great comments. Please send me links to your creations, would love to see them! ;D

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#13 Old 11th Sep 2009 at 1:55 PM
Cool, thanks :-)
Field Researcher
#14 Old 12th Sep 2009 at 2:48 AM
Is anyone else having trouble getting these to show up in their game? Did you figure out how to fix it? I would love to use them.

I have a lot of custom objects, so I know how to install them (I'm on a Mac)... but they aren't showing up under "rocks" or anywhere else I looked. Clearing my caches didn't fix it.
Field Researcher
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#15 Old 12th Sep 2009 at 12:02 PM
Catangi, it's not working at all? I don't know if Mac instructions for installing is different, but they should show up under rocks category and be priced as 25 simoleons each. Nothing else is priced 25. There's 7 rocks total in this edition and 6 in the other. If you downloaded both then there's 13 total. They've shown up in my game.

Is anyone else having this problem? Is there something different to making mods for Mac users? I would love for you to have these. Please reply here with any follow up.

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#16 Old 12th Sep 2009 at 8:49 PM
I don't think you have to do anything different for Mac user, because I've never had any trouble with package files refusing to show up in my game before.

Last night I found out that after installing your rocks, none of my custom content was showing up at all - not just the rocks. So it could be just coincidence, or it could be that the rocks got corrupted during the download and somehow messed up the whole folder. I deleted them and tried downloading them again, but still none of my custom content showed up. If no one else is having trouble, though, I'm guessing that nothing's wrong with your rocks.

Sorry I can't be more specific!
Field Researcher
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#17 Old 13th Sep 2009 at 4:00 PM
Have you tried removing all custom content and trying to install them all one at a time to see if it's the rocks with the corruption or something else? Try just the rocks and try no rocks but everything else and see what works. Sorry you're having so much trouble.

The rocks shouldn't be causing too much trouble. They seem to even load fairly fast for being so large. Not sure if you have a whole lot of them, haven't tried yet.

If you have a lot of downloads, try rolling back your custom content to the last known working date. Perhaps try the indie mod compatibility checker. I hope it's something easy to fix. I had to roll back my mods recently and haven't finished putting them all back in yet. There's A LOT, so I'll probably try to cut back a few. Especially since I rarely play, just mostly create ;D

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Field Researcher
#18 Old 13th Sep 2009 at 9:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Gillianivy
Have you tried removing all custom content and trying to install them all one at a time to see if it's the rocks with the corruption or something else?

I have, and still nothing is showing up, so I went ahead and posted to the Sims 3 Help forum here.

If it was caused by the rocks, I think it must have been a hiccup in the download and not anything wrong with the file itself, because when I unzipped I got an error message saying one of the files couldn't be extracted. (Like an idiot, I went and put them in my package folder anyway.) But when I re-downloaded, no error message.
Field Researcher
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#19 Old 14th Sep 2009 at 8:25 AM
Hmmmm, good luck, maybe it'll work this time, let me know.

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#20 Old 14th Sep 2009 at 8:42 AM
I am thinking about making a much larger version of my Ascuns Bunker and I will need larger Rock to cover the roof. Thanks for extracting them and letting me know about these on my download thread.
Field Researcher
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#21 Old 14th Sep 2009 at 8:23 PM
No problem, can't wait to see what you create. Send me a link so I can check it out in case I miss the thread. ;D Play around with putting them down. I think if you put the house down first, then the rock on top, it makes it so items in house are usable and you can walk through the rock. I even plopped a rock right on my sim and he walked right out. However, couldn't go back in. It may take a lot of playing around with and testing in game.

Oh and for underground roof cover, use the "flat" ground cover plants like clover or plots of daisies. They don't show up floating when you switch levels and look great for natural effect. Also I don't think there's any pathing issues. Have a look at my lot Writer's Block to see what I mean.

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#22 Old 14th Sep 2009 at 10:17 PM
Again, just to repeat what you already knew: I LOVE these rocks. They're AWESOME!
Keep up the good work, hun!
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#23 Old 15th Sep 2009 at 12:28 AM
;D Why thank you's as always!

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#24 Old 16th Sep 2009 at 8:44 PM
Holy Colossal Mineraloid! I feel a bat cave coming on!
Na na na na na na na Batman
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#25 Old 16th Sep 2009 at 10:50 PM
Yays, you're the roxor! LMAO and now my toddler is singing Batman!

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