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Better Romance

by simler90 Posted 26th Oct 2018 at 8:14 AM - Updated 12th Jan 2023 at 3:23 AM by simler90 : UPDATE 26
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Field Researcher
#2 Old 26th Oct 2018 at 9:11 AM
tempting to try but I'm using Have some personality please and I bet it'll conflicts
#3 Old 26th Oct 2018 at 10:38 AM
sounds this mod will make romantic behavior more uncommon and difficult right?
Test Subject
#4 Old 26th Oct 2018 at 12:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by DreadfulButterfly
tempting to try but I'm using Have some personality please and I bet it'll conflicts

This is also my concern, so I did a first file check to see if they modify the same files. It doesn't look like they do and they shouldn't conflict. Best is to test it and see if strange things are happening. Will test it out this evening. I don't want to play without the "Have Some Personality Please" mod, though.

Will report back if they conflict with each other.
Field Researcher
#5 Old 26th Oct 2018 at 1:35 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Simscovery
This is also my concern, so I did a first file check to see if they modify the same files. It doesn't look like they do and they shouldn't conflict. Best is to test it and see if strange things are happening. Will test it out this evening. I don't want to play without the "Have Some Personality Please" mod, though.

Will report back if they conflict with each other.

cool! pls share how it goes I cannot imagine not use Personality mod
Field Researcher
#6 Old 26th Oct 2018 at 4:46 PM
Oh wowowowow!!! this is fantastic! thank you!!!!!! I'm so excited to play now :D
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 26th Oct 2018 at 10:45 PM
Thank-you for fixing this grievous oversight! Romancing should be a lot more fun now! ^-^
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 27th Oct 2018 at 12:49 AM

This is SO something I've been yearning for, I cannot WAIT to try out this mod! Thank you!
MTS2 Hot Pepper
#9 Old 27th Oct 2018 at 10:32 AM
gonna try unless I have so many Romantic mods to clash

Currently playing Sims 4 full collection. (and fixing my mods folder)
Test Subject
#10 Old 27th Oct 2018 at 2:05 PM
Finally someone does this. I hate how Sims in The Sims 4 seem to be so horny for everyone even when they're in a committed relationship already. This is a great mod that honestly should be part of the game! Thank you for this!
Test Subject
#11 Old 27th Oct 2018 at 7:39 PM
Does this conflict with Wicked Whims?
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 28th Oct 2018 at 1:47 PM
Thank you for this much needed mod. I will try it out. Hope it doesn't clash with WW and MC.
Test Subject
#13 Old 29th Oct 2018 at 5:20 PM
A lot of thought was put into this mod. I love it!
Test Subject
#14 Old 30th Oct 2018 at 5:54 AM
Default Thanks alot
Thank you so much for this mod. But do you know if it conflicts with Wicked Whims and MCCC??
Test Subject
#15 Old 30th Oct 2018 at 4:23 PM
If I could make a minor suggestion, could you make it so Family Oriented trait could also be affected? If you think about, sims with that trait would value the stability of their family so much they wouldn't want to risk compromising it so easy.
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 31st Oct 2018 at 8:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SimmerJohn
Thank you so much for this mod. But do you know if it conflicts with Wicked Whims and MCCC??

I have installed this mod and i have been playing my game yesterday and today and i haven't noticed anything wrong in game other besides the glitches i already had. Both WW and MCCC didn't trow any exception errors my way so i guess it's safe to use with those mods installed.
Test Subject
#17 Old 1st Nov 2018 at 3:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Pallies656602
I have installed this mod and i have been playing my game yesterday and today and i haven't noticed anything wrong in game other besides the glitches i already had. Both WW and MCCC didn't trow any exception errors my way so i guess it's safe to use with those mods installed.

Excellent, thanks for the info Pallies!
Forum Resident
#18 Old 1st Nov 2018 at 6:57 PM
I also have some suggestions for future updates:

I'd love to see an effect for the parenthood traits, too.

Emotional Control (Tuning ID: 160275) and Responsible (161625) should make sims less prone to accept romantic approaches, whereas Uncontrolled Emotion (160265) and Irresponsible (161626) should have the opposite effect.

I'd also like it if teenagers (34317) would be more into flirting with other Sims even though in a relationship with someone, maybe also young adults (34318) if they have not aquired the Emotional Control or Responsible trait.
Field Researcher
#19 Old 4th Nov 2018 at 2:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by bienchen83
I also have some suggestions for future updates:

I'd love to see an effect for the parenthood traits, too.

Emotional Control (Tuning ID: 160275) and Responsible (161625) should make sims less prone to accept romantic approaches, whereas Uncontrolled Emotion (160265) and Irresponsible (161626) should have the opposite effect.

I'd also like it if teenagers (34317) would be more into flirting with other Sims even though in a relationship with someone, maybe also young adults (34318) if they have not aquired the Emotional Control or Responsible trait.

Field Researcher
#20 Old 4th Nov 2018 at 11:25 PM
Yes and thanks a lot
Test Subject
#21 Old 4th Nov 2018 at 11:44 PM
Thank you for the reply. I don't really know much but is it possible to use gender preference to affect romance. Making it harder for straight or gay sims to swing the other way and such
Test Subject
#22 Old 5th Nov 2018 at 6:00 PM
Does this conflict with "personality please" mod?
Lab Assistant
#23 Old 6th Nov 2018 at 5:05 PM Last edited by ellessarr : 6th Nov 2018 at 8:37 PM.
hi i have a question and sugestion

1 - this also affects things like move in???, because this is another thing which annoying me, how easy is to "steal a sim from a family" no matter his traits you can easy ask a sim to move in and ignore his family and relationships, this also cover it?? have a way to make really hard for a sim to accept move out his family if him/her have high relationship and traits like family oriented and companion?

2 - about the update 1, about the exchange of companion and family oriented, could be good of "both" have the same sort of power, because this trait also was supposed to be about "how much soulmates they are, because we don't have a true "faitfull trait" in game to prevent sims to cheat, then this trait based on it being a reward from aspiration could make it important for it, for me a sim with both family oriented and companion is supposed to be the most hard ever sim to cheat, a good "hidden" trait which also could be used if enabled could be the "sincere trait" is one of the unused hidden traits which i aways wanted see someone being able to enable it because he feel very good too to make a faithfull sim, but that trait seens to have some complications to enable like other trait called "memorable".

others traits which also could be used if possible could be the ones from parenthood, like good and bad manners or insensitive or sensitve or responsable/irresponsable, could be cool have a version of the mod using that others traits to make a sim more honest or more cheater or even the reward trait player could make a sim more like to flirt with any one, ofcourse if this already happening then ok in case of not, could be good see many traits being taking in account to help sims have more "personality.

anyways thanks for this very good mod.
#24 Old 7th Nov 2018 at 1:27 PM Last edited by Keren : 7th Nov 2018 at 4:25 PM.
Thanks for creating this mod, as it sounded promising, but I just tried it out
I took my happily married sim into the bar while she was flirty
she's married to a male sim and they have 2 kids
as soon as I looked away she was hitting on a random female sim..

she doesn't have the non-committal trait, so I'm not sure why it was happening with your mod installed..
maybe I didn't understand how this should work.. but I don't want my married sims to randomly flirt with other sims, especially with a gender they are not supposed to be attracted to..

I had to disable random flirting with MCCC again, as this seem to be my only solution..
but thanks for the good intentions
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 9th Nov 2018 at 4:28 AM
another thing which i do feel bieng a annoying problem is being the "autonomous flirt introduction, i'm still having issues which my sims doing it when too much in "flirt" mood and ending "cheating", the problem don't look like the interaction itself but a very strong "romantic buff can make even married and soulmate sims use it, could be good find a way to fix it and allow only single or "cheat type sims" to use it and sims which are soulmates never do that no matter how strong is the romantic mood.
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