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Uploaded: 4th Mar 2006 at 8:33 PM
Updated: 5th Mar 2006 at 2:59 AM
Here is Strong Guy. Another ally of the X-men. He was part of the X-Factor team. If you read the comics, Strong Guy is really funny and an entertaining character. I updated him to give him some hair, different goggles, and to make him stronger than my other one.

The body mesh requires "Marvine & BeosBoxBoy's Body Builder Mesh" and the goggles require the Open For Business expansion because they are a re-color of the goggles that Maxis added into that expansion. I also recolored Maxis' (Open For Business) hair so Strong Guy wont be fully bald. This is the best that can be done with this character until someone meshes his real hair and goggles (that are over his eyes and not on his forehead).

Marvine & BeosBoxBoy's Body Builder Meshes:

*I used the same Marvine & BeosBoxBoy's Mesh that Synaptic Sim used for his Colossus(which Syn did a great job with by the way).