I actually like making lots like this, with multiple households. This is a triplex, One small subsidy, one medium sized one, and one very large one. All of them have two bas., two bds. Kitchen, living room . Out side in the back is a communal grill, swimming pool, and swing sets. I sometimes lack creativity, so I look at pictures to replicate. I replicated this lot from the picture below. Dolphin's Anti Pedestrian Garage door prevents random people from different subsidies from walking into your house. Naturally the doors of OFB contain lock features, but if you want a locked door system that works better I would try the doors at simlogical.com, The triplex costs about 89K give or take a few hundred.
my version
jacqueline parquet floor by
Dolphins Anti Pedestrian Garage Door by
White Concrete wall by
baywindow and recolor by
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