All-placement "Open/Closed" sign (GLOBAL MOD version)

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Uploaded: 21st Jun 2006 at 12:35 AM
(*GLOBAL MOD* Version. There is also a Custom Version HERE)

Since I first got my hands on Open for Business, I was annoyed by the impossibility to place the "Open/Closed" sign other than on walls.

So, I've created this replacement for the "Open/Close" sign that can be placed on the ground and on any surface (tables, end tables, counters). I've set it to change automatically its mesh depending on the chosen position: when placed on the floor, a high stand appears; on tables, there is a short stand; on the wall, the sign just hangs on a hook, like the Maxis sign.

This is a *replacement* for the Maxis sign: once installed, you'll see in the catalog the old icon, but you will have the new functionalities.

Since I know that some people don't like to install global mods, I've also created a special custom (autonomous) version of this sign, that can be found HERE: choose freely which "flavour" you like more