The Newb Cube is a low budget home featuring 1-2 bedrooms, 2 baths, and room for more in the basement! Only Base Game and Generations required.
The exterior is decorated with a blend of wood and stone similar to my other modern mini homes.
There is a small garden of an apple tree, two lettuce plants, and a tomato plant in the back yard, and I have left a larger yard than usual for my 1x1 homes.
The interior is decorated in shades of blues and greens, with a splash of fuchsia.
The home is fully furnished except for the basement which I have left so you can decorate it for laundry/hobbies/bedrooms or whatever you like! The basement is currently set up to have a small hobby area, a large bedroom or additional hobby room, and a bathroom. The large bedroom could easily be divided in two or removed entirely.
Lot Size: 1x1
Cost Furnished: 26, 256
Cost Unfurnished: 16, 696
The lot has been fully play-tested and there should be no pathing issues.
I am sorry that I surpassed a starter budget. The modern looking furniture is just too expensive, and I was really excited to decorate this one. I hope you like it!
Lot Size: 1x1
Lot Price: 16, 696 - 26, 256
Additional Credits:
Additional Credits:
Jonha for the ever-essential
Anygame Starter 3.
Armiel for
Builder's Island where I can build on flat lots and take great screenshots.
MTS has all free content, all the time. Donate to help keep it running.
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