Inuyasha´s Recolors for female (Edit:new mesh link)

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Hello everyone!!!

There are some recolours of Inuyasha´s mesh , now you can use it in females too!!
There are 3 colours: Blond, dark brown and ginger.
Of course all the credits goes to CompulsiveD , for his wonderfull mesh.

I hope u like it.

First of all, don´t forget to dowload the Mesh in here: DELETED
Thank´s CompulsiveD.

EDIT: Compulsived deleted his mesh because he doesn´t want to continue Meshing... i don´t know why, his meshes was fantastic.
U could continue downloading the mesh in

EDIT: New recolors: Light blond, black and White.
Just get the "new recolors" file if you have the other ones.
If you doesn´t have anything, dowload the 2 zip files.
I hope u like it!!
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