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My Policies:
Uploading Elsewhere
You can upload any of my stuff to 100% FREE SITES ONLY. You also need to provide a link back to the original item and state that it is not your work.
Updating/Changing my Mods:
I give permission for anyone to do update my mods for newer patches only on the terms that they provide a link back to the original thread and be sure to state that their update is not the original work. Adding new things to my mods are fine as well when I am no longer here to update them.
You can upload any of my stuff to 100% FREE SITES ONLY. You also need to provide a link back to the original item and state that it is not your work.
Updating/Changing my Mods:
I give permission for anyone to do update my mods for newer patches only on the terms that they provide a link back to the original thread and be sure to state that their update is not the original work. Adding new things to my mods are fine as well when I am no longer here to update them.
Modding Groups
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Tragic Clowns
daluved1 | DaveyDaVinci | Flabaliki | GoldenSimmer | hudy777 | Kolipoki | QBUILDERZ | thedivineone | tomvanroosmalen -->TS1 World can be found here<-- |