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by DiamondIce 16th Jul 2014 at 11:16pm
A wooden family home for a five sim family, easy to renovate when the kids leave the nest more...
+5 packs
University Life
Island Paradise
Into the Future
by DiamondIce 8th Apr 2014 at 10:53pm
Don't want people to know you actually own a two story beach house? This modern beach house won't tell them! more...
+13 packs
Glamour Life
Open for Business
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
What is that? A idyllic family house? Lets take a look at it!
by DiamondIce 19th Aug 2013 at 6:45pm
A idyllic ice blue house that kindly is asking your sim family to move in! more...
+8 packs
Open for Business
Kitchen & Bath
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
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Hello, I'm DiamondIce, a Swedish economy and law student! Didn't guess that huh?
Feel free to renovate any of my houses, but please don't upload them as yours somewhere else? If you renovated a house of mine you can send me a picture of how it turned out, I'm thrilled to see it :)