First, my computer crashed. Next, my other computer crashed.
Then, my most used computer had a hard drive failure.
After that, I lost interest in the sims. Now, I'm back.
I missed it. Hope I don't have ANOTHER problem.
I have Bon Voyage, but my disc is totally fried.
I have H+M Fashion, but I can't find the disc.
*Cry cry cry. No, I'll be fine.
Why do uploads have to be PERFECT now?
I hate this. I can't make perfect $tuff*.
So thanks a whole FREAKING lot. :P
This place is too fcin uptight, far from what it used to be.
It's nice to know that if I make something I'm proud of,
Something I want to share, chances are, I won't be sharing it.
Onoezz! My model has long hairz O:$#@$!
Onoezz! It only makes 'dem look betterrrr!
"Soooez, can't have thaaat. >:D DENIED"
Even thooough you can see the creation!