by crookedhalo 12th Mar 2008 at 6:32pm
Because every hero needs a nemesis, here's a career for your Sims who are, shall we say, less than inclined more...
25 68.4k 41 -
Testers Wanted-Superhero Career
by crookedhalo 27th Jan 2008 at 8:40pm
This is my first career and I have been working to test out the chance cards, promotions, etc. more...
21 35.9k 15
by crookedhalo 12th Mar 2008 at 6:32pm
Because every hero needs a nemesis, here's a career for your Sims who are, shall we say, less than inclined more...
25 68.4k 41 -
Testers Wanted-Superhero Career
by crookedhalo 27th Jan 2008 at 8:40pm
This is my first career and I have been working to test out the chance cards, promotions, etc. more...
21 35.9k 15
by crookedhalo 12th Mar 2008 at 6:32pm
Because every hero needs a nemesis, here's a career for your Sims who are, shall we say, less than inclined more...
25 68.4k 41
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About Me
As far as my careers, I spend a lot of time on them and would appreciate if you just used them for in-game play. If you want to tweak them for use in your game, by all means go ahead. But please don't just tweak and repost. This goes for anything else I might share, though obviously I'll reconsider that if I branch out into anything else.
As for requests-I don't mind hearing what you would like to see as far as careers go, but I won't have the time (or the attention span) for any and all requests. I'd love to help though, and if it's something that sparks my interest enough, I'll probably have to run with it so try me.
I also should warn that I don't always check this, so I might or might not respond within a timely manner.