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Cats and dogs and birds/Also, womrats count as pets/Huh, womrat, what's that?
Animals 2
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Kaulitzies' Place
My general area for creations is pets (As you can probably tell!)
I'm in the midst of trying to create some new cuties for the Sims 3,
most of the pets packaged with the game terrified me to the point where I decided to get back into the swing of things and create some lovely new critters that, hopefully, won't give you nightmares!
This is the only place you can find my measly offerings to the world of Sims modding, see any of my pets anywhere else? Hit me up with a message!
I'm in the midst of trying to create some new cuties for the Sims 3,
most of the pets packaged with the game terrified me to the point where I decided to get back into the swing of things and create some lovely new critters that, hopefully, won't give you nightmares!
This is the only place you can find my measly offerings to the world of Sims modding, see any of my pets anywhere else? Hit me up with a message!