by artystanks 2nd Jun 2019 at 5:45pm
An object head mod of the tank variety. "Hair" that replaces the head. more...
6 8.1k 8
by artystanks 31st May 2019 at 11:33pm
An object head mod of the tank variety. "Hair" that replaces the head. more...
3 6.4k 6
by artystanks 27th Dec 2018 at 4:12pm
Eight galaxy nebula sweaters for your dreamy girls. more...
by artystanks updated 24th Dec 2018 at 10:05am
Ignore the threat of death and take a selfie with your burning TV. more...
13 19.9k 55
Custom Career: Bratva (ENG/GER/CHI)
by artystanks updated 19th Dec 2018 at 11:27pm
Now your Sims can join the Russian mafia! more...
16 45.5k 58
by artystanks 18th Dec 2018 at 11:08pm
One of the standard shirts modified for your meme-loving needs. more...
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About Me
Please don't re-upload my stuff anywhere!
Hi, I'm a newbie modder. Usually, I make mods for personal use, but I also share some of the more polished ones.
Generally, I don't take requests and my skill isn't that advanced yet, but if you have any ideas for additional features in my existing mods, feel free to leave a comment. If I can do it, I might.