by nikkibailey 13th May 2005 at 5:09am
Would you mind testing this for me. It was made with 3ds Max 7, Milkshape, and SimPE .35. more...
43 25k 7
Testers Wanted - Hot Water Heater UPDATED Fixed pipes...please redownload
by nikkibailey 8th May 2005 at 3:24pm
UPDATED - Fixed top of pipes; thanks to Boblishman who once again saved my butt :) The tops of more...
64 58.6k 39
Testers Wanted - Laundry Detergent and Bleach
by nikkibailey 7th May 2005 at 4:50pm
Babylove asked for these items. Created with MilkShape and SimPE .35. more...
29 31k 12
Testers Wanted - Garden Hose UPDATED - FIXED and RECOLORABLE
by nikkibailey 30th Apr 2005 at 5:01pm
Thanks to JWoods, the object is now recolorable. If you downloaded the previous version, please redownload the new one. more...
40 30.6k 12
Testers Wanted - Simpax Feminine Products
by nikkibailey 23rd Apr 2005 at 3:16am
Some of you ladies out there requested this. more...
154 89.8k 28
Testers Wanted - More bathroom clutter UPDATED - FIXED please download new files
by nikkibailey 19th Apr 2005 at 8:19pm
I believe the problem has been fixed of original objects having weird recolor options. more...
56 64.1k 61
Testers Wanted - Bathroom Shelves UPDATED WITH EMPTY SHELVING UNIT
by nikkibailey 17th Apr 2005 at 7:19am
UPDATED: Bergsisters requested an empty shelving unit so it can be placed anywhere in the house. more...
44 32.7k 15
Testers Wanted - Kitchen Clutter Collection UPDATED Please re-download file
by nikkibailey 16th Apr 2005 at 5:29pm
I believe I fixed the problem with original cloned object showing weird recolors. more...
58 46.1k 22
Testers Wanted - Bathroom Counter Clutter UPDATED - FIXED - please redownload new fil
by nikkibailey 14th Apr 2005 at 6:55pm
It was brought to my attention that the original object was displaying weird recolor options. more...
52 59.8k 57
Testers Wanted - Bathroom countertop items UPDATED
by nikkibailey 12th Apr 2005 at 9:32pm
Bathroom countertop items New object mesh and textures Object will appear in Decorative/Misc category A bottle of more...
23 23.7k 9
Testers Wanted - Food - Waffles UPDATED WITH NOTES
by nikkibailey 10th Apr 2005 at 11:29pm
PLEASE TAKE NOTE Hi everyone. Did a little more testing of the waffles and found a small error. more...
27 40.3k 8
Testers Wanted - Food - Trix, Wheaties, Grape Nuts
by nikkibailey 10th Apr 2005 at 4:54pm
Here are a few new cereals for all beta-testers. more...
15 18.8k 7
Testers Wanted - Food - Cheerios, Life, Lucky Charms Cereal
by nikkibailey 7th Apr 2005 at 5:46pm
I've created these new cereals due to a couple of requests. more...
23 21.9k 7
Testers Wanted - Food - MiniWheats & Raisin Bran Crunch Cereal *UPDATED - CORRECTIONS
by nikkibailey 2nd Apr 2005 at 8:14pm
Thanks again to Fireflies for finding my errors. more...
17 15.3k 3