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#9601 Old 20th Feb 2024 at 4:02 AM
Quote: Originally posted by 310175
I just used the Age Freeze Potion Liftetime reward for the first time on my elder since I want her to finish one of the horse riding challenges. It says to age/kill her again, I need her to blow out the candles of the birthday cake. Will she die at her birthday party? Just curious.

I believe the game will randomize deaths. So, she could theoretically die that day, or live another week.

Shiny, happy people make me puke!
Mad Poster
#9602 Old 31st Mar 2024 at 4:54 AM
Players that have done 10 generation legacy challenges how do you get around error code 16?

I'm trying my first legacy challenge and got an error code 16 trying to save the third generation heir going to University.
-·-- -·-- --··
retired moderator
#9603 Old 31st Mar 2024 at 12:35 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Orilon
Players that have done 10 generation legacy challenges how do you get around error code 16?

Try to save it under a new name.

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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Mad Poster
#9604 Old 31st Mar 2024 at 6:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Try to save it under a new name.

I was trying but it wouldn't let me. I had a save called Lisa YA and got a prompt from one of my Nraas mods to save while Lisa was going to University. I couldn't save because of the error 16.

Edit to clarify. I was trying to name the save Uni 1 since it was Lisa's first semester of University but it was the Uni 1 save that had the .bad ending in the saves folder.
Forum Resident
#9605 Old 31st Mar 2024 at 8:32 PM Last edited by Deshong : 24th Apr 2024 at 5:49 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Orilon
Players that have done 10 generation legacy challenges how do you get around error code 16?

I'm trying my first legacy challenge and got an error code 16 trying to save the third generation heir going to University.

I have not ever gone past 10 generations that I recall; I am at the 4th Gen, but my large families are often moved into various different neighborhoods. So far, my largest family has 52 members (All the way to 4th Gen), so keeping all of them in one neighborhood plus the townies and a growing population would already be too much for one save. Besides, at some point the family tree is likely to break anyway. I have several other large families, not as large but enough to make a difference in game performance and/or save management.

I do not have connected worlds so familial relationships are lost but with help I have found another way to re-connect familial relationships such as uncles/aunts/nieces/nephews/etc.

However if you want to keep the familial relationships intact then you may want to look into backing up everything and then learning to connect the different neighborhoods to move Sims. You can ask in the NRass forums about connecting worlds similar to sub-hoods in TS2 over at NRass using NRass Traveler.

TS3 is a mostly CPU-intensive game, therefore the more Sims including cats/kittens, dogs/puppies, horses/foals, deer and raccoons the more stress you put on the 32-bit game engine. Managing saves is a must, especially for the long-term.

Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Current Game(s): ObsCure and Cyberpunk 2077
Lab Assistant
#9606 Old 9th Jun 2024 at 3:51 PM
Trying to get a gnome family for a challenge and it's just not happening. Have had plenty in other saves over the years but never intentionally tried to get them before, as far as I can recall. Have a number of the original mysterious mr gnome on the lot but they just age and die. Is there anything that increases the chance for a gnome baby? Interactions/objects/lot size what have you
Forum Resident
#9607 Old 10th Jun 2024 at 7:15 PM Last edited by Deshong : 11th Jun 2024 at 7:38 PM.
Does anyone have NRass and bluegenjutsu Teens-Elders Auto Romance mod installed together and do any of your NRass options get overridden by bluegenjutsu's mod?

I thought maybe it was trait related being family-orientated but that is not the case. Some of the NRass options do not work such as putting a limit to max household members before allowing autonomous try for baby. And turning off autonomous try for baby and likely other autonomous romantic interactions no longer works unless I remove bluegenjutsu's mod. Though while it can be troublesome having such a rapid population rate and increased household sizes causing performance troubles on the rise, since I play without any story progression I do enjoy giving my Sims as much autonomy as possible.

I did just now switch out to a different version of bluegenjutsu's mod but I don't know if that will work or not. Time will tell. Imagine my surprise when I turned off autonomous try for baby and then someone got someone into trouble. Um, yeah, so it's not trait related or maybe my Sims are just deviants. Well, I know some of them are. But maybe it's not just me?


Nevermind. Apparently reading through the comment section it happens to some but not others. I'm not sure what's the cause for that but I'll find another way to manage even if that means splitting up households into smaller ones and then removing some townies. Eventually it would have to be done anyway.

Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Current Game(s): ObsCure and Cyberpunk 2077
#9608 Old 12th Jun 2024 at 12:55 AM
Why do cc shoes look huge in CAS? I downloaded some for the first time recently and a few pairs were like normal EA sized shoes and then the rest were oversized
What's up with that?
#9609 Old 10th Jul 2024 at 1:19 AM
Is it a normal thing that time travel really tanks sims energy, or is it something wrong with my game? I've recently started sending one of my sims to Oasis Landing in order to thoroughly explore the place and I've noticed that, even if she is fully rested and fed before she leaves, when she arrives in the future her energy bar is way down low and her hunger bar is about half way down. So before she can do anything she needs to eat and go straight to bed. And what happens if she isn't fully rested when she leaves home? Will she immediately pass out from exhaustion? Or die?

So, is this normal for TS3, or is it something peculiar to my game? I've a fair number of mods installed, so could it be some sort of conflict? And whatever the case, is there any way to stop it happening because it is rather annoying.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
#9610 Old 10th Jul 2024 at 1:53 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Elynda
Is it a normal thing that time travel really tanks sims energy, or is it something wrong with my game? I've recently started sending one of my sims to Oasis Landing in order to thoroughly explore the place and I've noticed that, even if she is fully rested and fed before she leaves, when she arrives in the future her energy bar is way down low and her hunger bar is about half way down. So before she can do anything she needs to eat and go straight to bed. And what happens if she isn't fully rested when she leaves home? Will she immediately pass out from exhaustion? Or die?

So, is this normal for TS3, or is it something peculiar to my game? I've a fair number of mods installed, so could it be some sort of conflict? And whatever the case, is there any way to stop it happening because it is rather annoying.

This used to happen to me when I would travel to France or China. Maybe it's Travel fatigue LOL. I haven't sent a Sim on travel in forever. I do remember using make needs static before sending them and then shutting it off when they got there seemed to solve my issue.
#9611 Old 10th Jul 2024 at 2:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by marydehoyos
This used to happen to me when I would travel to France or China. Maybe it's Travel fatigue LOL. I haven't sent a Sim on travel in forever. I do remember using make needs static before sending them and then shutting it off when they got there seemed to solve my issue.

I'd thought of that, but the trouble is that means enabling testingcheats. That wouldn't be a problem for non occult sims, but my time traveller is a witch, and I've found that when testingcheats are active it completely drains their witch powers. It takes a while for them to re-charge. She may want to use those powers at some point. Well, I'll give it a try anyway, it's better than having to take a rest cure every time she travels. Thanks for the suggestion.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
#9612 Old 10th Jul 2024 at 2:41 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Elynda
I'd thought of that, but the trouble is that means enabling testingcheats. That wouldn't be a problem for non occult sims, but my time traveller is a witch, and I've found that when testingcheats are active it completely drains their witch powers. It takes a while for them to re-charge. She may want to use those powers at some point.

Ahhh gotcha. I haven't played being a witch in years. If you have Story Progression installed you could try to make the needs static that way. You can do individual needs static so say just energy for when she travels and see if that works without draining her when shutting it off. So you can set it to just the Sim. I do this with toddlers because their Social needs drain so quickly so I make any toddler in my household have static social needs till they age up.
#9613 Old 10th Jul 2024 at 2:52 AM

Yes, that seems a better solution. I'll give that a try. Thanks again.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
#9614 Old 10th Jul 2024 at 3:06 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Elynda

Yes, that seems a better solution. I'll give that a try. Thanks again.

You're Welcome! Hope it helps!
Field Researcher
#9615 Old 12th Jul 2024 at 12:09 AM Last edited by Macaroodle : 15th Jul 2024 at 3:49 AM.
I'm starting a new save!

If I understand right, putting down too many pre-built lots at once can mess up the routing. So far, I've put down eight and thought it might be best to wait a while before adding another one. What do you recommend?

I'm not very good at building, so what I've been doing is slapping together room templates and just waiting until whenever it would be safe to add more. When would that be?

I think I misunderstood... when people were talking about placing lots being risky, they weren't talking about putting lots in the spaces that are already there.
Lab Assistant
#9616 Old 4th Oct 2024 at 9:55 AM
What is the most expensive wall covering? I forgot that ts2 environment bar cares about the wall and floor cover cost but then the catalog is so illogical!!

Sorry I am stupid I meant to post this to ts2 forum
Lab Assistant
#9617 Old 4th Nov 2024 at 8:28 AM
For the life of me I can't find a way to fulfill my cat's want 'Hop on Something' She's jumped up on beds, counters, tables,, living chairs, sofas and whatever I can find that has such an interaction, but so far no go.

I must've done this in the past; I've even played through a 100 kittens challenge once and I don't remember struggling with any wants, but I can't recall how to do this one.
#9618 Old 14th Feb 2025 at 1:29 PM

The error in the upper right hand corner is for a sim that keeps getting stuck in a rabbithole. Once this error clears for this sim, another follows for the 'proprietor' of said rabbithole. The lot is a bar from Bridgeport that has been renamed.

I've tried the Stuck Check Auto Reset off thing for Overwatch. I've reset the world, tried changing the lot type, ect... I continue to get a endless loop of this error between the two above mentioned sims. I've stopped playing at this point. It isn't fun; it is annoying AF. Excuse the attitude but it is annoying AF.

How do I fix this? Can I fix this?
Forum Resident
#9619 Old 14th Feb 2025 at 7:18 PM Last edited by Deshong : 14th Feb 2025 at 7:38 PM.
You must find the root cause(s) of the stuck Sim(s). So continue to leave Stuck Check Auto Reset off. I think once the error message pops up you can click on the Sim's portrait and it automatically pans the camera to where that Sim is, usually giving the player a look at what may be the problem. Once discovered then you fix it and that should eradicate that particular stuck Sim issue.

Sometimes Sims can get stuck in a loop trying to interact with broken objects like the mini-fridge from UL, a broken door or other objects.

Also, if you reset the world or a lot and issues still arise then it is because the root cause has not been found and dealt with. For example, I constantly had various stuck Sims on a particular lot and when I investigated I found out the Sim(s) were getting stuck between the edge of the lot and world where the parking spaces were. So instead of placing the lot in its original size, I moved it to a larger lot so Sims could have space around the edge to navigate and Sims no longer got stuck that way concerning that lot ever again.


Copy the save in the main menu and rename it something recognizable so you know it's a save file you are troubleshooting without messing with the original save until the fix is found through trial and error using the copy. Rabbithole, right. Did you edit it in any way besides renaming it?

Did you try deleting and replacing? Do be warned that by doing so, I think the Sims working there will lose their jobs and you will have to reassign them. Not to mention anyone who owns the rabbithole as a business partner or solely owns it would also need to be reassigned. I think NRass MC can reassign roles.

Are all entrances/exits clear of obstacles and they can enter but exiting into something unroutable? Or perhaps the edge of the lot and world, maybe try placing the lot on a larger lot. Unless there's a leftover glitch specifically about renaming which I honestly cannot see how that would be an issue but in the world of video games there's all kinds of errors.

Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Current Game(s): ObsCure and Cyberpunk 2077
#9620 Old 25th Feb 2025 at 12:01 PM
I have a couple of questions concerning urn stones:-

In my special save, where I am seeing how history plays out in Sunset Valley without any intervention by me, quite a number of first generation sims have now gone to their final rest. Most of their urn stones have appeared at the mausoleum. But five have gone astray. Geoffrey Langraab, Cornelia Goth, Jared Frio and a couple of others I’ve forgotten.

Checking Master Controller and Object Stats, I see that all five are in sims’ inventories. They are listed by name, but is there any way to identify exactly who’s inventories they are in? I should like to get them placed in the grave yard, and in the case of Cornelia, to the Goth's private cemetery. I like to keep things neat (I think in a previous incarnation I may have been a grave digger).

My other question is, what will happen to those urn stones if I leave them where they are till those sims that have them die? Will they just disappear? Or will they go to the Mausoleum along with their own urn stones?

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
#9621 Old 25th Feb 2025 at 3:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Elynda
I have a couple of questions concerning urn stones:-

In my special save, where I am seeing how history plays out in Sunset Valley without any intervention by me, quite a number of first generation sims have now gone to their final rest. Most of their urn stones have appeared at the mausoleum. But five have gone astray. Geoffrey Langraab, Cornelia Goth, Jared Frio and a couple of others I’ve forgotten.

Checking Master Controller and Object Stats, I see that all five are in sims’ inventories. They are listed by name, but is there any way to identify exactly who’s inventories they are in? I should like to get them placed in the grave yard, and in the case of Cornelia, to the Goth's private cemetery. I like to keep things neat (I think in a previous incarnation I may have been a grave digger).

My other question is, what will happen to those urn stones if I leave them where they are till those sims that have them die? Will they just disappear? Or will they go to the Mausoleum along with their own urn stones?

I'm not sure how to find the urns, so I can't help with that. I might have an idea for the second question. When a Sim dies their inventory is moved to their next of kin. Like a family member. So when a Sim die, the urn should up in the inventory to someone related to them, or perhaps living on the same lot. If they don't have a next of kin then I don't know where it would go. I think the urn would remain where they died? At least that's how it works in other Sims games...
#9622 Old 27th Feb 2025 at 6:32 AM
Thanks @Craft90

As to the first question, I didn't really have to know exactly who had the urn stones in order to retrieve them. You can click on a computer, or city hall, select Nraas and Master Controller, select Town / Object Add to Inventory / Inventory. Scroll down to find the urn stones, select them and you'll get a list (in my case there were the five unaccounted for). Select the ones you want and they'll be placed in your active sims family inventory. And I expect every simmer and his dog knew that except me!

Only trouble was I had to break my self imposed rule (again!) and switch to the Goth's household, so that Mortimer could place Cornelia and Gunther's graves on his own lot. He was just about ready for bed by then, so I left him to snuggle up with Bella and switched back to my own family.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
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