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#26 Old 16th Apr 2011 at 6:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mangaroo
Do not share TS3 -> TSM content in this forum unless you have the original (TS3) creator's permission.

Really sorry it'll never happen again, it was only for training purposes
Test Subject
#27 Old 16th Apr 2011 at 6:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mangaroo
Do not share TS3 -> TSM content in this forum unless you have the original (TS3) creator's permission.

Yeah. We're really sorry, I stated the post that this is only for testing purpose not for sharing.

Anyway, my problem is still not clear. I decide to give up and wait for the official mod for TSM. Use this conversion tools on your own and don't share or upload it without permission (you're not allowed to do so in here). Thank you for the feedback. I'll just play TS3 for know
Test Subject
#28 Old 16th Apr 2011 at 8:26 PM Last edited by sexybrina : 17th Apr 2011 at 5:02 AM.
I'm sure I'm missing something, my hairs don't show up in game either, I have followed every step, is there something else I must enable?
Test Subject
#29 Old 16th Apr 2011 at 11:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Alin_El_Rene
What do you mean? Not showing again in the game?

BTW, I've download the converted hair, but it still not showing in the game. Perhaps there's something wrong with the mods configuration. But strangely, the "no intro" mod works from the start and my hair conversion is also works, but your conversion is not work. Here's the problem, why this happen? We need to figure this out.

So that to me in the game, when I go to do avatar so there are not any hair. And all my mods are going well.
#30 Old 17th Apr 2011 at 10:09 AM
An additional note:

In step three, the profession flags will only be used if you have also set the Profession flag in the ClothingCategory flags. Otherwise the Profession flags will be ignored and the hair will only be used for NPCs if that is set (which is usually the case because the Everyday flag of TS3 becomes the NPC flag in TSM, whereas the Profession flag in the ClothingCategory is usually not set because it used to be the Firefighting flag).
Test Subject
#31 Old 18th Apr 2011 at 2:57 AM
Quote: Originally posted by velocitygrass
An additional note:

In step three, the profession flags will only be used if you have also set the Profession flag in the ClothingCategory flags. Otherwise the Profession flags will be ignored and the hair will only be used for NPCs if that is set (which is usually the case because the Everyday flag of TS3 becomes the NPC flag in TSM, whereas the Profession flag in the ClothingCategory is usually not set because it used to be the Firefighting flag).

Ah there it is, thanks a lot
Test Subject
#32 Old 18th Apr 2011 at 7:57 PM Last edited by sexybrina : 18th Apr 2011 at 8:09 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Robodl95
Heads are a different size between the games, TSM hairs being converted to TS3 must be made bigger and so obviously TS3 hairs going to TSM must be sized down. Use milkshake or a similar meshing program. I have no idea about the 1st question sorry.

Is there a tutorial on how to do this with milkshape?
I just need to know how to convert .package into .ms3d
Test Subject
#33 Old 19th Apr 2011 at 5:06 AM
no hair =(
i dont see my hair i used the same as you =( and i have done all steps

In which folder i must put the package ? in the

C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The sims Medieval/Mods/Packages ? ( i have created this folders!)


C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The sims Medieval\GameData\Shared\Packages


and what about the "source" folder in the S3 CC to Medieval CASPart Wrapper ?
what i should do with that files?


Ich sehe meien Haare nicht. Ich habe alle Schritte gemacht . Alles hat funktioniert im s3pe. Ich hab sogar die selben wie hier benutzt und es noch zusätzlich mit anderen probiert aber ich sehs nicht =(

Und in welchen ordner soll ich die datei also den haar packages rein tun ? in den
selbst gemachten

C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The sims Medieval/Mods/Packages ?

oder den vorhandenen

C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The sims Medieval\GameData\Shared\Packages

Und was soll ich mit dem ordner "source" machen im S3 CC to Medieval CASPart Wrapper? für was sind die datein da wo muss ich die rein tun? oder sind die uninteressant?

Pls help me =(
Test Subject
#34 Old 19th Apr 2011 at 6:55 AM
How do I install medieval CASPart wrapper to S3PE? I do not see the medieval options in the grid.
Plz help
Test Subject
Original Poster
#35 Old 19th Apr 2011 at 9:39 AM
Quote: Originally posted by darkakira12
i dont see my hair i used the same as you =( and i have done all steps

In which folder i must put the package ? in the

C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The sims Medieval/Mods/Packages ? ( i have created this folders!)


C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The sims Medieval\GameData\Shared\Packages


and what about the "source" folder in the S3 CC to Medieval CASPart Wrapper ?
what i should do with that files?


Ich sehe meien Haare nicht. Ich habe alle Schritte gemacht . Alles hat funktioniert im s3pe. Ich hab sogar die selben wie hier benutzt und es noch zusätzlich mit anderen probiert aber ich sehs nicht =(

Und in welchen ordner soll ich die datei also den haar packages rein tun ? in den
selbst gemachten

C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The sims Medieval/Mods/Packages ?

oder den vorhandenen

C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The sims Medieval\GameData\Shared\Packages

Und was soll ich mit dem ordner "source" machen im S3 CC to Medieval CASPart Wrapper? für was sind die datein da wo muss ich die rein tun? oder sind die uninteressant?

Pls help me =(

Put the .package files into following location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The sims Medieval/Mods/Packages

The S3 CC to Medieval CASPart Wrapper goes to :
C:\Program Files (x86)\s3pe\
you need to find there s3pi.CASPartResource.dll file and replace it with the file provided by velocitygrass (dont forget to back up your orginal s3pi.CASPartResource.dll file first)
Test Subject
#36 Old 19th Apr 2011 at 3:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by hotroxy777
Put the .package files into following location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The sims Medieval/Mods/Packages

The S3 CC to Medieval CASPart Wrapper goes to :
C:\Program Files (x86)\s3pe\
you need to find there s3pi.CASPartResource.dll file and replace it with the file provided by velocitygrass (dont forget to back up your orginal s3pi.CASPartResource.dll file first)

it dont work ,i cant see my hair, and i have done all steps and i have try this
"In step three, the profession flags will only be used if you have also set the Profession flag in the ClothingCategory flags"

=( does i need the new TSM patch?

what i do wrong =(

i have put it in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The sims Medieval/Mods/Packages

and i have edit the packeges file like you =(


ich habe alles gemacht und in den richtigen ordner rein aber es funktioniert immer noch nicht
#37 Old 20th Apr 2011 at 8:45 PM
@darkakira12: Did you set up the mods folder as explained here? You need not only the folder itself, but also the resource.cfg file.

Do other Medieval mods work for you?

Deutsch: Hast Du den Mods Ordner wie in dem oben gelinktem Thread erstellt? Außer dem Ordner selbst brauchst Du noch die resource.cfg Datei.

Funktionieren andere Medieval Mods bei Dir?
Test Subject
#38 Old 21st Apr 2011 at 1:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by velocitygrass
@darkakira12: Did you set up the mods folder as explained here? You need not only the folder itself, but also the resource.cfg file.

Do other Medieval mods work for you?

Deutsch: Hast Du den Mods Ordner wie in dem oben gelinktem Thread erstellt? Außer dem Ordner selbst brauchst Du noch die resource.cfg Datei.

Funktionieren andere Medieval Mods bei Dir?

Thank you !! it works *-*

the resource.cfg was wrong now i have download the right in your link
Lab Assistant
#39 Old 21st Apr 2011 at 8:42 PM
Has anyone gotten any male hair to convert? I've tried 4 different male hairs all by different creators and none of them work. So far every female hair I have tried to convert works perfectly so I don't understand what I could be doing wrong.
Test Subject
#40 Old 22nd Apr 2011 at 4:48 AM
after converted several hair-mods i found the hair was'nt fitting well
the hairsize is bigger than the head
that make the input hair looks like a wig
is there any easy way to solv now?
retired moderator
#41 Old 22nd Apr 2011 at 4:58 AM
The TS3 head is larger than the TSM head. The hair mesh would have to be scaled in milkshape (or a similar meshing program) specifically for TSM.
Test Subject
#42 Old 22nd Apr 2011 at 4:56 PM
Quote: Originally posted by velocitygrass
An additional note:

In step three, the profession flags will only be used if you have also set the Profession flag in the ClothingCategory flags. Otherwise the Profession flags will be ignored and the hair will only be used for NPCs if that is set (which is usually the case because the Everyday flag of TS3 becomes the NPC flag in TSM, whereas the Profession flag in the ClothingCategory is usually not set because it used to be the Firefighting flag).

To make it clear to everybody see this SS below:

As you can see, in this Data Grid>ClothingCategory you must set it like the screenshot I provide.
You must set the [00] until [09] as True I don't know for [15] if it can be false. With this setting, your hair should show in the CAS.
Thanks for the info! Right now I'm going to mass convert the hair for my personal use
Lab Assistant
#43 Old 22nd Apr 2011 at 5:08 PM Last edited by Arwen_1986 : 22nd Apr 2011 at 5:51 PM.
OH my, Thank you a lot for this, this opens a new door for that game for me

EDIT: I dond't have the medieval profession option in my thing? what am i doing wrong?

They tell us everything's alright and we just go along;
How can we fall asleep at night when something's clearly wrong?
When we can feed a starving world with what we throw away;
But all we serve are empty words that always tastes the same...

Nickelback - When We Stand Together
Lab Assistant
#44 Old 22nd Apr 2011 at 7:24 PM
Quote: Originally posted by krystalevenstar
I seem to be having a couple of problems;

1. The eyes of my sim seem to be overridden with the 'accessory' color of the hair color.

Exavtly what am i having now after i made it work...

well with only one hair by rose right now, i thought this would match there good, but i think it would match if there is a chance to get the hairstyle in the with hat or crown etc. cathegory...

is there a way for???

They tell us everything's alright and we just go along;
How can we fall asleep at night when something's clearly wrong?
When we can feed a starving world with what we throw away;
But all we serve are empty words that always tastes the same...

Nickelback - When We Stand Together
Test Subject
#45 Old 24th Apr 2011 at 1:38 AM
Quote: Originally posted by mangaroo
The TS3 head is larger than the TSM head. The hair mesh would have to be scaled in milkshape (or a similar meshing program) specifically for TSM.

Does anyone have a good guide for this? I've never used Milkshape before, so I don't even know where to begin.
Test Subject
#46 Old 24th Apr 2011 at 3:06 AM
I've been desperately trying to follow your tutorial and convert this hair from Anubus which is incredible....is there any way you can help?
Test Subject
#47 Old 24th Apr 2011 at 8:26 AM
Quote: Originally posted by delston
I've been desperately trying to follow your tutorial and convert this hair from Anubus which is incredible....is there any way you can help?

Keep trying, that's actually one I've managed to convert successfully in-game. Remember to make sure the profession is changed to true under ClothingCategory.
Test Subject
#48 Old 25th Apr 2011 at 1:56 AM
Still not having any luck...I've never been good with doing mod stuff....always had to wait for the "Mod Gods and Godessess" to release stuff lol You said you were able to get that one in the medieval game....is there any way i can get it from you?
#49 Old 26th Apr 2011 at 12:12 AM
I've been able to convert this hair for TSM:

I did as a replacement before reading this tutorial. It seems pretty easy and I tried to follow the instructions it but I'm unable to find the MedievalProffesion tag in my S3PE and I have installed velocitygrass' wrapper. Any hint? XP

PS: The weirdness on some meshes is caused by the BumpMaps texture. You'll need to change it for a neutral one. (In my hairs, I use a key and the texture is not included in the file, you'll have to extract the meshes+textures and re-do the package with DABOOBS, besides that way you'll be able to reshape the mesh to fit TSM heads)
Test Subject
#50 Old 26th Apr 2011 at 2:51 AM
Anubus I applaud you on such wonderful work!! I'm trying very hard to get this in medieval but not having any luck. I've never made things for any of the sims games so I guess that's where my problem is. I've always enjoyed what other people have made, but I have NO idea how to do this stuff LOL Hopefully we can get this hair into to the game cause it's BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm also trying to find a modern Ceasar type male style, something like that..or something feathered back and short clean cut for male. I've been hunting a while for something like that lol Anyway thanks again for the beautiful work you do!!!!
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