Once more about my CC policies (in all the details)
Date Posted: 18th May 2023 at 9:40 AM Views: 247
Helo guys. I want to have few of your minutes to describe my creator's content use policies.

As of time TS4 has been released and even more after some time passed many of great creators with very strict CC use rules left the community. This was made other creators think different. And I have seen few times that new creators when utilise parts of old creator's meshes write long letters about how do they like the creation, about they read policies and previous apologises due to long time passed and now they want to break their guidelines. If the creator of original item will come back they will delete their stuff. And OMG despite my creations are not that popular like something created by Adele, Marilou, Honeywell, CatherineTCJD,
Plasticbox, Angela, Cyclonesue and OMG many many creators I absolutely in love. I really don't want something like those letters to happen with me and my creations in future.

So I changed my policies to no policies. Use my creations for whatever you want. Utilise my meshes and grab my textures. Refurnish my houses and place it into your neighbourfoods (I wrote neighbour foods?.. =/) that you will share elsewhere then.

The reason why I am doing my creations free of charge is different for each game.
  • TS1 is so old that I just won't add any policies to my TS1 creations. So there is
    no policies for my TS1 creations and never will.
  • In TS2 times I remember myself worried about "link to my thread" and "do not attach my meshes" creators. There was such a pain to collect all the links and substract meshes from recolors. I don't want anyone to suffer alike. So TS2 creations are also share with no policies.
  • TS3... Well... TS3 items are most hard to develop actually. I could add a payout to my creations... one day. But not now in 2023. The rest utilise of my meshes will always be absolutely fine. TS3 items are built in such way that they has no textures and any tiny change to my item may result absolutely different result. Hence. Even if I share something pay, the rest of development is up to you. I mean you can share your recreation of my TS3 stuff free even if my upload will be pay.
  • TS4 meshes and colours are really simple to create. Time consumed for CC for TS4 costs a buck and I think the only its worth is donations. Also TS4 has really great and supportive community. I just don't want to share everything pay for such people. To create everything for TS4 is enjoying and simple. Hence no pay here too.

Two things for you to remember:
  • When I utilise some of other creator's meshes or make recolours , this means my recolors are free of charge, but still respect original creator's policies and shared alike. I am not a bot so I could be mistaken when attach meshes from you, my great but no sharing-friendly creator. If you see such then write me a letter and I will substract your mesh from the archive I share. But I will never delete my creation entirely even if you ask me. In my 15 years of creation this had never happened and hopefully never will.
  • I am kinda indeferrent whathever you redestribute my content or not. But do not go overboard. Two reasons to redestribute my CC unchanged are your content use any parts of mine (sims use clothes, houses use items, hoods use houses etc.) or original link to the thread is missed. I always mention the source (MTS - modthesims, TSR - thesimsrecourse, TBR or TMBLR - if simbler) in description, file name either archive name and your reshare with words "I created this" is unapropriate at all. I will make you to delete your thread with such mention. Until you have no letters from me, rest assured you did everything right. But I keep my eye and will find out violator sooner or later. So you should know - reshare is allowed but restricted.

That's all duh. Hope you read this thread from the beginning to the end. Poor me. I live in hopes. And always will.

Regards Vic
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