CAS Collections Thought
Date Posted: 7th Apr 2024 at 10:48 AM Views: 135
I've been thinking of a thread about TS2 CAS collections I had made, and how they could be used to unlock debug mode's outfits.
Perhaps I could backup my game, then do this:
  • Enable debug mode in CAS
  • Make a CAS collection
  • Move a hidden outfit in it
  • Disable debug mode
  • Leave and reenter CAS
  • Check if the hidden outfits are in the collection

If this works, then it could kind of be a gamechanger, but only for CAS. It won't be possible to access them when buying clothes or to recolour in BodyShop. It will just be a simple way to not be a hassle when searching for a hidden outfit.
Then again, maybe hidden outfits have the move to collection button disabled. To tell the truth, though, I doubt EAxis thought about it too much as they just slapped collections anywhere they could (Pet breeds, CAS, buy&build mode).
It will be, though, a limited version of actually making an unlocker. It will be easier but not so flexible like an actual unlocker. Kind of useless outside CAS, but could be cool for people who spend a lot of time in CAS (Like me).
I'll provide an update with pictures later.
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