subKitten Site Updates - 11.16.07

Date Posted: 23rd May 2007 at 9:54 PM

I update today with 3 AF outfits/2 AF formals and an AF set called "Vinyl Vixens" with 6 recolors!
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Toxic Lip Collection Updated

Date Posted: 19th May 2007 at 9:12 PM

Well, I had an odd thing happen with my Toxic lips .zip file, but it is fixed now and updated with the two colors that were missing previously. I also sent PMs to every person that Thanked me and/or left feedback. it was about 77+ people, but I PMed them with the update so they would be aware. I just hope that those other 400-something people that didn't thank me or leave a comment, I hope they notice my update.
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Blasted Bodyshop!

Date Posted: 21st Apr 2007 at 8:18 AM

Well, I swore I'd take a break and play my game and that lasted about a day. Then I was back swapping between Bodyshop and Photoshop. grr....well I'm working on re-taking pics for my older makeup and eye collections because my pics were lame then. I also deleted some things so far that I just didn't like anymore. As for that, I know MTS2 is going through and tagging particular downloads that don't meet their requirements, so that's why I've decided to revamp my old downloads so maybe they won't be tagged. Also, I'll be make more colors and such for my older makeup, specifically lipstick, so keep an eye out on my older threads.
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Time for a break!

Date Posted: 15th Apr 2007 at 3:33 AM

I'm taking a little break from creating/uploading so I can play my game for a while. I was so excited to get "Seasons" and I've played maybe an hour's worth of the game since it was released. But keep downloading, It's grealty appreciated!
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Hooray for boobies!

Date Posted: 2nd Apr 2007 at 12:15 AM

Well, I've received a request to take my 8 skintone pack and make them a bit more genetically appealing. It's going to take a while...stupid BS and their covered sims. It's hard to see what I'm doing while working on a skintone when my Simmie's wearing a blasted bra!! But, I'll just have to do it the long way, apparently. Oh well, Cheers. *Actually, I downloaded a hack that'll allow me to see the sims nude while working on them. YAY!*
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My Policy

Date Posted: 13th Mar 2007 at 4:01 AM

I don't care if you use any of my genetics, makeup, clothing or hair recolors on a sim you wish to upload on MTS2, just give me credit with a link to my custom page here. That's all I ask. As far as taking pictures of your sims wearing anything of mine, just give credit; a link to my MTS2 custom page is not necessary.
Enjoy my creations respectfully.
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5 new eyes and 12 XM hair recolors!!!

Date Posted: 10th Mar 2007 at 6:29 AM

Boy...I'm surprised my BodyShop even loads now-a-days, although there're some people who's bodyshop is bogged down even more than mine with their own creations. I have like...104 eye recolors! And I just keep recoloring them. Love it.
Anyhow, skycoaster99 requested that I recolor XM hair 26 & 28, so I did. I felt quite honored and while it took me a while (stupid cold!) I finally got them done and I hope everyone enjoys them. I'd have to say I'm especially proud of my Divinity eyes. The pictures don't do them justice, but in-game they look wonderful. Anyhow, enjoy those as well as the other 4 and thanks to all who download my custom stuff.

Mood: Luff
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I made a boo-boo!

Date Posted: 27th Feb 2007 at 7:02 PM

While gathering my files for the Treva Sim .zip, I accidentaly added the wrong eye file (ws_eye48) which is "Antiquity in SeaofLove". The eye color she's wearing in her pics (and the one she's supposed to come with) is "Antiquity in SeeingGreen". I updated the download page and hope that those that have previously downloaded her will see the update and download the second file which is a .zip of the correct eye (ws_eye47). Even so, if they don't Treva will still show up with a custom eye, just a more teal color.

I do apologize for this. I get lost in my files sometimes.

Thanks to all those who downloaded her!
I've made my first skintones!! I'm so excited because It took me hours, but I followed a tut on how to make one from a source pic...and it totally worked! I'll have those up soon enough. I still have to take in-game shots of a Sim with the skintone.

Mood: Luff
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9 new floors!

Date Posted: 23rd Feb 2007 at 7:05 PM

Oh yea....6 linoleum sets and 3 carpet sets are ready for download. The carpets are plain, as they are meant to be, and the linoleums are very unique. I'm still waiting on my Simmie to be accepted....
I read two different tutorials on how to make realistic faces using source photos and's freaking difficult. Everything looked good but I couldn't get the edges of the face to blend in with the skintone I was using...drove me nuts. Oh well...trial and error I guess.

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The Queue

Date Posted: 20th Feb 2007 at 6:44 AM

I hope I spelled that right...anyhow, so I've two flooring submissions waiting for approval and a beautiful Simmie that I do hope will make her way through the Queue and back to my page.
It's been a while since I created anything, mainly because of lack of internet, but I'm back up and running and trying to gather all my files into .zips (always the fun part) and take pictures (another fun part) of everything. I've got two full Sims waiting for me to package, but I can't seem to track down hair meshes...argh.

Mood: Luff
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