I'm back! Kinda. (:

Date Posted: 24th Jul 2009 at 6:07 PM

Hey everybody!
Miss me?
Anyways, wow, a lot has changed.
Sims 3 is out, and I must say it's tons of fun.
So, remember what I said about me coming back?
Well, I don't think i'm going to.
I'm just enjoying playing for right now, and I really don't feel like uploading and creating anymore. Sorry!
I deleted my creations, as I was to lazy to fix them from the file loss thing, and they really don't get any downloads anymore as it is.
So yah, they're gone, sorry.
Anyways, so the only thing i'm going to use this account for now is DOWNLOADING. That's right, I won't be uploading, going on the fourms, or commenting anything. Just downloading. Now, if you still want to talk to me and you're on the Sims3 site, i'm on there, ALWAYS on the fourms.
My name over there is Karlsaur.
Also, you could email me at jonasbrotherrox8@gmail.com (Although, I barley check it)
So yah, i'm leaving the site pretty much.
I've had a lot of fun here, but it's time to move on!
Thanks everyone and goodbye to all the friends i've made here!
It really was a blast! (:

Have fun!
-Jonasbrotherrox8 has left the building. For the last time.
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There comes a time in every creators life, where they move on.

Date Posted: 31st Jan 2009 at 1:27 AM

I know I promised more houses, and that i'd try to get the BaseGameStarter working or the AnyGameStarter.
But, I was lazy, lazy, lazy! And I know that's a bad thing.
I never get anything done, It takes me almost forever to get into whatever i'm suppose to do, and then I do it.
Although, I just haven't found myself enjoying creating houses anymore, and in the end that's what it's all about! I'm sorry, but I need to take a break!
I haven't touched the sims game for a couple of months now, i'm just getting tired of it. We all have those times, don't we? When we get bored of the sims.
I know, sometimes it's hard to believe.
All in all, I have a point.
I'm giving up house creating for now atleast. I plan to come back for the Sims 3 and start creating houses again! (Once I get the hang of all the tools that is!)
I'm sorry for those who enjoyed my creations and looked forward to more. (If there even is any of you out there! )
But, I'm not dead forever! Please, try to enjoy my very few creations i've uploaded so far.
I look forward to creating again in the Sims 3, and who knows maybe i'll even pop back in and do a little special Sims 2 house every now and then!

Best regards,
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Check up

Date Posted: 7th Dec 2008 at 11:06 PM

I know I havn't been doing alot of stuff in a while..
It's just because I feel it's useless to create all these things until I get the Basegameonly starter working. I figure, it would make it better to allow everybody to enjoy, and download my creations. So, I'm putting that on hold until I get it sorted out. If you have any advice on it. Just comment down below.
But, If I do get it working I have a few ideas in the making.
-Close together apartments (Kind of like row houses)
-More sunroom houses!
-Another remake of my double lot house (For non apartment users. ( But, people with it can use it aswell) ) Base game only.
-Possibly a trailor park
-Just normal starters & Non starters,
I can't promise everything I list here. Because I might not even be able to get the Basegameonly starter working. If anyone has a request, do say so.
Comments 3

Date Posted: 7th Dec 2008 at 11:01 PM

If you like my work, have a request, or just want to chat, Sign my guestbook! I will always try to reply to everyone who signs it!
Mood: Luff
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232 Villa

Date Posted: 30th Nov 2008 at 5:13 PM

232 Villa!
My newest house, i'm so proud!
No, seriously though, check it out.
I will be doing more soon, but right now I'm totally booked up with homework, projects and tests. Yuck!
Anyways, hope you guys enjoy my stuff,
I will now take requests.
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First Upload

Date Posted: 27th Nov 2008 at 11:09 PM

Today we celebrate my first ever upload. *Cheers!*
I couldn't be happier! I would love to get more uploads up, but I'm usually not the best at that. ^^
Maybe soon.
Also, I would like to give my best luck, out to the creators fourm. Trust me guys, it works, it worked for me!
I'd like to thank you all who helped me aswell. Lots of hugs and luff.
Anyways, hope you enjoy 233 Chapton!
Don't forget to download if you like it, and if your enjoying it tap the thanks and leave a comment!
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