I'm back! Kinda. (:
Date Posted: 24th Jul 2009 at 6:07 PM
Hey everybody!
Miss me?

Anyways, wow, a lot has changed.
Sims 3 is out, and I must say it's tons of fun.
So, remember what I said about me coming back?
Well, I don't think i'm going to.
I'm just enjoying playing for right now, and I really don't feel like uploading and creating anymore. Sorry!
I deleted my creations, as I was to lazy to fix them from the file loss thing, and they really don't get any downloads anymore as it is.
So yah, they're gone, sorry.
Anyways, so the only thing i'm going to use this account for now is DOWNLOADING. That's right, I won't be uploading, going on the fourms, or commenting anything. Just downloading. Now, if you still want to talk to me and you're on the Sims3 site, i'm on there, ALWAYS on the fourms.
My name over there is Karlsaur.
Also, you could email me at
jonasbrotherrox8@gmail.com (Although, I barley check it)
So yah, i'm leaving the site pretty much.
I've had a lot of fun here, but it's time to move on!
Thanks everyone and goodbye to all the friends i've made here!
It really was a blast! (:
Have fun!
-Jonasbrotherrox8 has left the building. For the last time.