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So it's been a long time
Date Posted: 30th Nov 2010 at 11:14 AM Views: 258
I was a regular member, both on site, and in the chat room, many years ago (2005-06)

Life throws so much in one persons direction, that they lose touch with things they enjoy, such as, The Sims.

I'd call it a relapse in my own way. I own every Sims game (The Sims + Expansions, TS2 + Ex, TS3 + Exp), but even as I continued to purchase the games and expansions, I didn't play them. In fact, it wasn't until a month ago that I actually OPENED The Sims 3, and I still haven't opened much of my TS2 expansions.

It was somewhere along TS2 that I just got bored with it, and gaming in general. Life caught me, and still has me. Work, and a lot of it.

I have more free time nowadays, and find myself wanting more [of TS3] even while at work. And I live a fast life.

Getting back in the swing of things, I have ideas, and I will be contributing again.

My first plan is an elaborate park;
Complex gardens, fountains, and pools.

TS3 made me realize something, I love water-works. I love fountains, and designing them. I might even start that IRL.

Second, a rendition of The Warehouse, the Nightclub that I recently sold, although, I still work there. (It was a lot of work)

One more thing,
I love cookies.

Mood: Luff
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