Author: jbeach34 Status: Public Entries: 8 (Private: 0)
Comments: 12
Updated: 2nd Jun 2011
Views: 10798
Description: The Trials and Troubles of my simmies!
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I finally got my TS2 back on track!!! YEAH!!! Turns out I had a back-up hiding in one of my folders, it dated back to January but I didn't lose that much!
So, here I am!
I haven't gone back to my medieval 'hood, just my modern. But I've gotten on a "build" kick! My houses always sucked, they were so boxy. And this really came to my attention after DL'ing StephSims lots for the Grywch Project and playing with those for a while. So, I went to our local Lowe's Hardware and purchased one of their books with over 700 house plans in it! I have always had an interest in architecture (I even took a course in high school!). Sooo, I have built several home lots [Strike]that I plan on sharing here soon![/Strike] I have just uploaded a community lot that I built back before January, and it's in the queue here at MTS...
I will be building numerous lots based on plans from this book. I already have 3 built! The building is the "fun" part, it's the getting them ready and uploaded that's not so fun!!! LOL!
[Strike]So, (if you're interested!) keep an eye out for them![/Strike] If I finally decide to share these, it most likely will NOT be here! Sorry for the inconvenience!