Ad Designs
Date Posted: 4th Oct 2012 at 10:24 AM
Views: 880
More pretty pics I made these as ads for a little magazine I work on.
This one is for a gifting club. If you don't know what that is you've never poked your head in the sims3 forums! People over there seem to love giving away their money (or Mum and Dad's money) and actually have organised clubs specifically for spending their RL money on gifting people store items...nuts, right? Anyway, I have no control over what the ads are for, I just get told what to write and make the pics
(BTW, my pink ladies are only sort of based on the real ones from the films).
This second one is for a huge lot. Wish I could've taken better pics to show off it off but it was chock-full of store items I don't have so just had to go with the creator's pics: