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The Big Move
Date Posted: 3rd Jul 2013 at 11:35 PM Views: 624
Yesterday I did something I've only done once before in the history of my game--I moved my entire population from one neighborhood to another. It took the better part of a day. And the results are ab-fab (that's absolutelyfabulous, for you untrendyfolk!). I moved every sim in my extensive, two-branch family from Plasticbox's Baskerville to Elsewhere, unfortunately severing several relationships. I combined as many families as possible using a bigger-family mod to preserve as many relationships as possible, but there have still been some losses. I also moved the houses the "dangerous" way--without using SimPE to clean them, mainly because I'm a Mac user with no access to SimPE--and luckily it seems to have gone smoothly, without any major bugs. The change of scenery is nice, and I like the seaside theme. I mainly did it to compact my neighborhood more, get all my sims closer together. I still like Baskerville, though, so I'm in the process of making it a subhood.

Recent Comments for: The Big Move
The Big Move
By Ponderosa (16th Jul 2013 at 6:24 AM)
Phae--I'll look into it, see if it will work on a Macintosh, though I could probably wrangle it on my fiance's computer if need be. Of course, I keep a backup of my original close at hand--I have had enough grief with losing things like school papers and digital art projects to know about the importance of backing up files!
The Big Move
By Phaenoh (15th Jul 2013 at 11:34 PM)
Wow. Do you have a back up from before doing that? Mootilda is right, you should not have done that. It's much better to use her Hood Replace to swap out the neighborhood underneath. You can decorate a brand new hood and transfer everything underneath it. Then you juts have to pick up the houses and set them back down again (don't bin them). If you wanted Baskerville as a subhood you could also have also just attached Elsewhere as a sub and moved the families out of their houses and let them move into Elsewhere that way, also preventing corruption. Or do both, swap Elsewhere in with Hood Replace, and then attach (or swap in) Baskerville for the sub.
The Big Move
By Ponderosa (8th Jul 2013 at 10:20 PM)
I would not be surprised, especially considering I did it once before without any steps to prevent corruption at all--back when I was sixteen and completely clueless.
The Big Move
By Mootilda (4th Jul 2013 at 5:41 PM)
You'd probably be better off just changing the terrain and lots. You may not see the corruption now, but you've likely got it.

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