The Big Move
Date Posted: 3rd Jul 2013 at 11:35 PM
Views: 624
Yesterday I did something I've only done once before in the history of my game--I moved my entire population from one neighborhood to another. It took the better part of a day. And the results are ab-fab (that's absolutelyfabulous, for you untrendyfolk!). I moved every sim in my extensive, two-branch family from Plasticbox's Baskerville to Elsewhere, unfortunately severing several relationships. I combined as many families as possible using a bigger-family mod to preserve as many relationships as possible, but there have still been some losses. I also moved the houses the "dangerous" way--without using SimPE to clean them, mainly because I'm a Mac user with no access to SimPE--and luckily it seems to have gone smoothly, without any major bugs. The change of scenery is nice, and I like the seaside theme. I mainly did it to compact my neighborhood more, get all my sims closer together. I still like Baskerville, though, so I'm in the process of making it a subhood.
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