Lights and you: More potential notes on Lights I want to test and look.
Date Posted: 23rd Jun 2014 at 7:56 PM Views: 514
Lighting notes 2: Master/Slave Lighting

The CRES resource controls everything related to Ambient lighting. In necessity every custom light generating object creates its own LGHT resource, which in itself is useless and in all essence can be removed and re-linked to the light resource of the item it was cloned from. This may be good for object makers as repository linked lights can further reduce size of packages. Now a negative is that unless you correctly make a Custom NLO definition for your new light which would require the user to have the Scriptorium or append it into their files (which can leave room for major errors), it may not be Base compatible unless you use a Base game light source, problem with that is that base game lights do not include all varieties of lights and intensities.

On this note, it's possible to Slave multiple lights to just one Light source as the LGHT resource only controls ambient lighting and not the other required light resource for custom lamps.

Lighting Notes 3: Windows and doors, oh my!

Windows seem to have their own world of lighting in which essence actually is the same as Lights, minus colour.

Quote: Originally posted by EP1 Window example
create WFive(windowMedieval_0_0_0_N_light)
create WFive(windowMedieval_0_1S_0_S_light)
create WFive(windowMedievalDiagonal_0_0_0_NW_light)
create WFive(windowMedievalDiagonal_0_0_0_SE_light)
create NS(windowMedieval_0_0_0_N_light)
create NS(windowMedieval_0_1S_0_S_light)
create EW(windowMedievalDiagonal_0_0_0_NW_light)
create EW(windowMedievalDiagonal_0_0_0_SE_light)

I believe I have basis to say that The top line "create WFive(windowMedieval_0_0_0_N_light)" controls how much light the window should be allowing in (intensity of light). and the bottom lines "create NS(windowMedieval_0_0_0_N_light)" control the direction of the light entering the room. There's up to 4 entries per Window or Door, Two for Straight, Two for Diagonals. Now I am not sure though. I am curious to know that more possibly goes into controlling light for windows than for objects. I am on assumption that the Wallmask might have more to do with it than we know. For expirement purposes I want to see if I can slave a set of windows to just one LGHT and see how they behave. If my assumptions that Wallmasks control the lighting of a room are correct, it will be possible to repository link all windows/doors in a set to just one lighting source.
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