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The Return
Date Posted: 24th Aug 2015 at 9:23 AM Views: 387
So last year I finally saved up enough to basically buy a brand new machine, souped to the brains. Unfortunately, the retailer only had copies of Windows 8. I bought it anyway - not knowing how much trouble I was in for - and found a few months later that The Sims 2 wouldn't run.

Funny enough, after the shock wore off, my first reaction was relief. I was free of The Sims 2 at last; free of hours of pointless house design and family story creation, free of entire weekends spent doing nothing but designing new clothes.

Then I saw that The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection would run on Windows 8, and suddenly I was back.

So now I've returned to the blissful joy of Simming in my free time. My biggest project is creating new suits - something spurred by a job I recently left that forced me to up my fashion sense and wardrobe. So if you care, look out for them!

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