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A Series of Unfortunate Events
Date Posted: 17th Oct 2015 at 11:57 PM Views: 646
Over the past year, it has occurred to me that I'm getting old(er). We all are, I know. My mom's birthday is today. She turned 86. To put that into perspective, she's older than the ball point pen, and spent the first 20 years of her life growing up in the Great Depression, followed immediately by WW2.....and here I always wondered why she saves everything to no end. I may just make a Hoarder's Home, in her honor.

In regard to Sims 3 and 4. Nope. Not getting them. For me, it's Sim 2 only. Heck, I don't even have all of the expansion packs yet, and I'm still working on an external hard drive that will hold all of my Sims 2 stuff, lest my poor laptop decides to up and protest on me for cruel and unusual download punishment. Yes, I know that Sims 3 and 4 are great, and at some point, perhaps, I'll obtain them. For now though, I'm thoroughly enjoying Sims 2, and getting back into the creative swing of things.

A series of unfortunate (and purely unintentional) events has led me to this point, once again. Family first, and all that.....and that included myself, through a series of illnesses and a major job change. We've also added several new pets to our family, which I will be making for use in the game. Thomas (a silver tabby) and Willow (a tortoise shell) are already available to use in game. Next up - Oliver (orange tabby), Molly (calico tabby), Kiki (short hair Burmese), Ava (long hair Burmese) and Lucy (Siberian Husky).

We live smack in the middle of the Tahoe National Forest, and this year was one hell of a doozy for wild fires. We were literally surrounded by them! Fortunately for us, the closest one ever came to use was about 10 miles due south, but we suffered greatly from the soot and smoke that flew our way, and were ever aware of the potential of flying random embers. Today, it's finally raining though, so it's yet another reason to celebrate! Have a great week everyone!

Mood: Luff
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