Autonomy advertising
Date Posted: 26th Nov 2015 at 6:05 PM Views: 1163
Found wiki information on pie menu functions that explain everything you need to know about autonomy and motive advertising.

Autonomy decides if an object can be used by Sims autonomously. Motive advertising is what makes Sims decide to use an object or not, depending on their needs. There's a good example in the wiki article, where you set a chair to advertise 100 bladder. That means the chair tells Sims that if they use the chair, they will gain 100 bladder. That's more than a toilet, so if they have low bladder they will set on the chair, because the chairs telling them it will fix their bladder. It doesn't actually do anything so they will keep sitting until they eventually wet themselves. Motive advertising trumps actual function.

Open the object you want to edit in SimPE, and go to Pie Menu Functions (TTAB).
Select the interaction you want to change, and go to motive tab. I am editing "Wash laundry", on my functional washing machine.
Image here

Example of how to edit it. This object used to give fun, and it advertises Sims by claiming it gives fun. On the line Fun, I have set it to
Min: 0023
Delta: 0010
Type: 000B
Image here

If you consult the wiki article above, this means that the washing machine will advertise Sims that they gain 23 fun (needs scale from -100 to 100), and if they are neat Sims, it will advertise up to 33 fun. I decided on neat, because a neat Sim is more likely to want to do laundry.

I am a little unclear on the values usable, as some things I've looked at have hex numbers, but that's the general idea. The easiest way to know what to set, is to compare with a Maxis object that you perceive as used in the way you want to. To find the Maxis value, use Object Workshop to clone the maxis object (tutorial by Numenor found here).
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