Modern house building questions/future post!
Date Posted: 19th May 2016 at 5:16 AM
Views: 625
I feel like I've gleaned a lot of modern house building knowledge in the years that I've been making modern homes. Some of it was from reading tutorials, but I've found that a lot of my skills just developed on their own. Now of course this is true for anything and for everyone with building sim houses, but I feel like I can articulate a lot of the skills that I've learned! Now I could write various tutorials or something, but I feel like a lot of them just aren't tutorials, they're just ways of building that I've figured out on my own.
So this is where you all come in! I've noticed my journal gets a fair amount of views, so perhaps some people would be interested in this, I thought. In a few weeks or more (no clue when I'd do this, really), I would like to answer some questions in a journal entry here regarding any sort of questions you have on how I go about building modern homes or how to do certain things.
I'd like these questions to be focused on what I do and what cannot be easily looked up. For example, the 'thick roofs' I usually use on my modern house is a cheat. I feel like this kind of information could be figured out pretty easily, but a lot of it isn't quite so intuitive. So any questions that aren't a simple google search you can ask me! I'd really like to convey some of the knowledge that I've acquired to you all!
You can comment on this journal or PM me. I will try to get to your question personally as soon as I can, and I will also include it in a larger journal post at a later date.
I really want to do this also because I always think that people view modern homes as hard to build or something, and I'd like to dispel that notion! Of course it's cool if they're not your style, but I'd like to get those that are interested in making modern homes to attempt to make them.
Perhaps this will get next to no interest, I'm not quite sure. And if so, I will just let this topic dissipate. I would be willing to address how I build and knowledge I've gleaned in general, but I may not if I don't get questions or interest in this, because I don't feel like writing for no reason, if no one uses my my knowledge or is interested in it.
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