Impending retirement
Date Posted: 8th Mar 2024 at 5:07 PM Views: 131
I've been on this journey now for almost 20 years. And it's finally coming to an end. The following packs are now available for The Sims 4 on the Dozerfleet Labs blog:

  • Into the Future Conversions Stuff
  • Oughties Big Rapids Living Stuff
  • The Horrorday Gang Story Pack
  • Sodality: Instigation Story Pack
  • Swappernetters: Frontlinters Story Pack
  • Swappernetters: The Chrome Kite Story Pack
  • Swappernetters: Supporting Cast Story Pack
  • Swappernetters: Screwworms and Other Villains Story Pack

The Many Masks of Ciem and Sodality: Task Force Black Rat packs are going to be merged into Instigation at some point. The canceled Gray Champion and Extirpon packs are being merged into Swappernetters: Supporting Cast.

The canceled Cherinob, Camelorum Adventures, and Volkonir story packs are being merged with the movies and memes sections into a new stuff pack, that will be dubbed Magic of Movies and Memes.

After I've completed all this, only seven more packs remain to be added:

  • Sodality: Adaptation and Determination Story Pack
  • Ciem: Inferno Story Pack
  • Ciem: Ash Cloud Story Pack
  • Ciem: Caldera Story Pack
  • Anarteq: Guardian of the Soo Story Pack
  • Anarteq: Tropic Mercenary Story Pack
  • Anarteq: Envoy to Lough Melvin Story Pack

The following Sims-related works remain to be released:

  • Corando's "Don't Lose Hope" (music machinomic)
  • Blood Over Water (machinomic)
  • Sorbet (machinomic)
  • Sniperbadger: Fall of the Critter Resistance (machinomic)
  • Volkonir 2008 (machinomic)
  • Ciem / Anarteq: Kahoopiliana (machinomic)

Once this content is finished, there will be very little (if anything) left coming to DzMD (let alone MTS) from Dozerfleet Labs related to The Sims franchise.

Path of the Ming-Cho, initially intended to also be a Sims machinomic, is now scheduled to be entirely AI-generated.

I'm planning after this to make a maximum of 12-13 custom mods for House Flipper 2, before retiring entirely from game modding.

At this point, I rarely need Sims or any other game for character art. Only for house and building floor plans do I still need simulated environments, and even then, only because there are so many places I can't yet afford to travel to and take photographs.

Action scenes that are too difficult to do with AI may still be done with Sims for concept art purposes. Otherwise, I can now accomplish almost everything that Dozerfleet Productions needs using Wonder and Krea AI software.

When I have truly closed the book, I intend to follow up with another post saying so. But the end is in sight. It's going to feel weird not constantly relying on a Sims game for my operations; but the times are changing. And the brand needs to change with it.
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