Current To-Do List

Date Posted: 1st Mar 2016 at 8:43 PM

I see that back in 2010 this (sort of) helped me to keep track of what I'm doing, so hopefully it'll be useful in 2016 too!

After uploading seven (7!!) things in February 2016 (and getting all of the "monthly theme" achievement stickers in the process!), I have a variety of half-completed projects and sets to finish, as well as some new ideas. My current to-do list is as follows:

- Continue my "More Sensible Maxis/EA Careers" project.
- Finally get round to making the final three sets of "New Birth" greetings cards.
- Also make four "completer" sets of Snoopy greetings cards - sets include Birthday, Valentine's Day/Lover's Day, Friendship & Mother's/Father's Day.
- Make a custom version of my Casual Work career.
- Make adult versions of my Seaside Worker, Bushcraft & Cricket careers.
- Make a Biotechnology/Genetic Engineering career (to go with my Biotechnology major) - two versions: custom and DR Natural Scientist.
- Default Replacements for the Adventurer & Oceanography careers.

Lets see how I get on with all of these projects! :-D
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One finished, submitted and accepted for upload, and one new project!

Date Posted: 25th Sep 2010 at 6:38 AM

- a set of themed careers for adults
- a set of teen careers - the kind of jobs I think teens should have!
- a medieval Falconry career
- a teen Falconry career, to go with my adult one
- a set of painting recolours featuring sim pets
- a set of cards for MogHughson's postal system, also featuring sim pets
- several sets of maternity outfit default replacements (for AF)
- a bunch of residential bungalows (some BG only, some with loads of EPs/SPs)
- A set of painting recolours featuring some of my photos from Scotland
- a set of four (or five?) Christmas-themed foods
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One more down :-D

Date Posted: 13th Aug 2010 at 1:55 AM

- a set of themed careers for adults
- a set of teen careers - the kind of jobs I think teens should have!
- a medieval Falconry career
- a teen Falconry career, to go with my adult one
- a set of painting recolours featuring sim pets
- a set of cards for MogHughson's postal system, also featuring sim pets
- several sets of maternity outfit default replacements (for AF)
- a bunch of residential bungalows (some BG only, some with loads of EPs/SPs
- A set of painting recolours featuring some of my photos from Scotland
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But I started work on another project, so I'm adding something else to the list.

Date Posted: 11th Aug 2010 at 10:35 PM

Another one to add....

- a set of themed careers for adults
- a set of teen careers - the kind of jobs I think teens should have!
- a medieval Falconry career
- a teen Falconry career, to go with my adult one
- a set of painting recolours featuring sim pets
- a set of cards for MogHughson's postal system, also featuring sim pets
- several sets of maternity outfit default replacements (for AF)
- a bunch of residential bungalows (some BG only, some with loads of EPs/SPs
- A set of painting recolours featuring some of my photos from Scotland

The medieval Falconry career and the Scottish photo painting recolours are both in the upload queue..... fingers crossed! :-)
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I actually got some stuff done! :-)

Date Posted: 9th Aug 2010 at 10:36 PM

I can cross something off my list! :-D

- a set of themed careers for adults
- a set of teen careers - the kind of jobs I think teens should have!
- a medieval Falconry career
- a teen Falconry career, to go with my adult one
- a set of painting recolours featuring sim pets
- a set of cards for MogHughson's postal system, also featuring sim pets
- several sets of maternity outfit default replacements (for AF)
- a bunch of residential bungalows (some BG only, some with loads of EPs/SPs

Waiting to see if I can get permission for a custom carpool I used for the medieval Falconry career, if I can then that's ready and waiting to be uploaded! :-)
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First Journal Post :-)

Date Posted: 13th Jul 2010 at 1:05 AM

Well, I decided to start keeping a journal. I doubt that anyone else will be interested, but hopefully it'll help me to keep track of what I'm intending to do! :-D

My current project include:

- a set of themed careers for adults
- a set of teen careers - the kind of jobs I think teens should have!
- a medieval Falconry career
- a teen Falconry career, to go with my adult one
- a set of painting recolours featuring sim pets
- a set of cards for MogHughson's postal system, also featuring sim pets
- several sets of maternity outfit default replacements (for AF)
- a bunch of residential bungalows (some BG only, some with loads of EPs/SPs

That's about it at the moment I think. As you can probably tell, I don't tend to focus on one thing at once! :-D

All my current projects will be put on hold for a fortnight next week, as I'm going on holiday! :-D I can't wait! I also have a 2000 word assignment to finish before then. Yay.......
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