Date Posted: 5th Apr 2011 at 1:29 AM
Figures it would take me 3 years to start a creator's journal on MTS. Procrastination is a particular skill of mine. Never do today what you can put off until roughly three years from now, or something to that effect.
The truth of the matter is, I never really felt that I had anything worthwhile to say. I mean that in regards to creating content for the Sims, not in the "I'm-so-worthless-no-one-will-ever-love-me-I-may-as-well-end-it-all-now" kind of way. No, I'm far too old and flesh-toned to be emo. Plus, my life is too frickin' sweet, but I digress. What I really mean is that I didn't feel like I had a firm enough grasp on the creation process to have anything of value to offer anyone else.
So, what's changed? Have I become an expert creator in the interim? Does Numenor have
me on speed dial? Probably. But to the other question, no. Not in the least.
What's changed is that I realized that this is a very useful platform from which to vent the frustrations and share the joys inherent in the creation process. I realized that it's nice, as a creator, to know that I'm not alone in feeling that I don't know what the heck I'm doing when nothing seems to be going right and fearing that someone will soon figure that out and take my precious, precious trophy away.
But seriously, what's changed the most is that I no longer feel driven to prove myself as a creator. I think I've already done that, and now I just want to create. And very soon, I'm hoping to post an update regarding a huge new project I'm contemplating to celebrate my fifth anniversary on this site. It's quite a lofty aspiration at the moment, but I'm constantly being inspired by the members of this community to push myself harder and try new things. So, wish me luck!
Oh, and Numenor, you can call me anytime. :lovestruc