ANTI Country Kitchen

Date Posted: 11th Jun 2011 at 6:42 AM

Going to start work on editing the country kitchen to remove the stencil narrow the cabinets and remove the curved trim at the top for a basic kitchen like I have in my house. I will probably make an above the fridge cabinet as well also so minor hieght and width adjustments I already quickly tried to adjust it as a test and it turns out its going to be harder than it looks just like the tradional cabinets but at least the textures are linked to the corner cabinet unlike the textures for the traditional cabinet so I can package them together. There was also a problem which i didnt notice on the traditional cabinet which I have no idea how to fix the shadow mesh on the wall is stationary while the cabinet moves up and down ? waiting on submission info on my IKEA dining room set which I just finished well thats pretty much it at work right now on the psych unit gotta love night shift
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Current Clutter project

Date Posted: 26th May 2011 at 12:38 PM

I am attempting to extract the textures and meshes from the buffet table to make a clutter set. I am having trouble with the tulips and have no idea if anyone would be interested in this at all. Getting the hang of milkshape although it seems a bit tedious at times to do simple things. I love cmomoneys clutter sets.
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