Date Posted: 19th Nov 2011 at 11:19 AM
THIS IS A DISCONTINUED ENTRY...the entry entitled 'A Freudian Fantasy' is the continuation of this project.
Currently, I'm working on a fantasy world(in Create-a World) called Gnybyl. I mangled the name together like a cheap designer beer. I started with nybble which is half a byte, with a nod to nibbly...defined as appearing to have been nibbled(as does this world) and finally I rounded the front end off with gnome, because some of the mountains look like the little gnome hats...
They also look like a part of the female anatomy, so I guess I could of named it Gnypyl and made it a Freudian fantasy land...but to my credit or detriment, depending on your perspective...I didn't.
I'm planning on putting in two towns, Hobblemunk and Lambs Breath. If possible, I'd like to not have any roads and use horses for transportation to add to the fantasy feel. No idea if this is feasible since I haven't played Pets for more than a few minutes here and there. I'm hoping I can just put in a lot of dirt and sand trails.
Ok, I put up a feeler , and horses are go...
and I got some good input about things to look at.
I'm going to go on a bit about heightmaps here. I just reworked my map for the third time. I'm making an island and used the Photoshop pen tool to make an island shaped vector...
I wanted a medium level of detail, as I'm using this shape to generate a mask for 'World Machine' terrain generator. It's necessary to apply a 100 pixel gradient to the contour and blur the mask edges so you don't get split mountains on the perimeter. This also puts a nice little ocean shelf falloff in the water bordering the island.
Now I configure World Machine to generate my desired terrain and produce this heightmap which will be the alpha master of my island.
We zoom in on Gnybyl to find we have Monica happily playing with her Fun Baggs...err..that would be her horse, of course
Spent the last day learning terrain painting with the help of Denethor's tutorial-Lazy Terrain Painting... although I didn't use his crevice technique, due to a lack of deep crevices on my mountains. I used 3 of EA's textures for beach, bluff and mountain levels.
I'm Fairly happy with the results, but I'll refine them and try some of my own textures before I do the brush touch-ups. I just used Photoshop curves and path tools on the CAW alpha layers, so far. I'll need to do some blending where the beach sand meets the grass line. And there will surely be a need for more terrain painting as the world progresses.
Lastly, here's a slideshow of this world in its current incarnation(27 MB)...
Edit...the slideshow has been moved to the top entry(PoisonFrog's Peepshow).
Thanks for the good words rian90...
I did my first test of a trail, and was happy with the results. The horses seem to have a preference for my sidewalk-based dirt trails, but are routing well over my bumpy terrain, also. I got my first game lag after I put the trail in...probably because the game started to generate all manner of critter, which it didn't before.
I don't care for the CAW road grading tools, so I'll see if I can find a better alternative in Photoshop or the World Machine layout generator. I want a rustic feel, so grading will probably be minimal...although I may recant.
I'm going to continue to release slide shows of my world as I think they give the best overview until I have a Beta version ready for release(that's still far off).
This journal entry is no longer reflective of the scope and direction of this world. I will add a new entry asap. While I won't make additions here, I'll leave it intact for the time being and will respond to comments as needed...