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List of Requests and Modding Development

Date Posted: 20th Jun 2012 at 10:02 PM

Blue Collar Careers: WIP, but low priority
Ultra Speed Modifier: WIP (in moderation queue)

Modding Development:

I am working on creating custom careers. There aren't a lot of wonderful tutorials on it, but I am working on it with a lovely modder named feyerin.

I have created several small mods: more progress for working harder, spirits from ghosthunting more valuable/ valuable ones more common, writing mod to speed up writing dramatically, painting mod with similar effect, and upped prom probability. These are not uploaded because they are too cheaty or too minor, but if you PM me, I'd be glad to give you the link.

I am working on a mod to make doctors in the game busier; emergencies are more frequent, on call emergencies as well. House calls and checking up not as effective in granting work performance, etc.
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