No. 1 - TESTING, TESTING, 1, 2, 3...
Date Posted: 10th Feb 2014 at 3:43 PM
I have been an avid fan of The Sims since it came out and I found out I could play the role of the mostly benevolent God from the comfort of my own room. Discovering a world of creative custom content just made me go bonkers
I've been creating all sorts of things for my sims for years now and about a year ago I started uploading some to my
Simblr, trying once in a while to upload some content here. My screenshots needed a little work, but I finally managed to upload something and I am beyond happy
A lot of hours simming and photoshoping can warp someone's mind a bit, and along the way, I decided to create an identity of sorts for my simming endevours. I call it
HOUSE OF STELLMAR (akin to Lady Gaga's
Haus of Gaga) and I like to write my content descriptions as infomercials or company memos.
I just really get involved in simming and like to act as though I'm the CEO/Advertising Department/Head of PR for a [fictional] company. Please bear with me. Or join the ranks
Most of my journal posts will be in character, so this is just me letting you know that.
I like to take lots of pics of my sims and the things I make, most of which wont make it here, so you can see them in my previously mentioned
Simblr. Feel free to add me, although it isn't my main account and I can't follow you back with it
Ok, that's it.