Date Posted: 4th Mar 2017 at 1:29 AM
My To-Do list keeps growing. I keep writing it down. I keep losing the list. So since I'm less likely to misplace an entire website...
Claybee Nursery
Claybee Study/Office
Claybee Rec/Hobby
Claybee Pets
Claybee Patio
Claybee Exterior/Build
Heart PJs (GL)
Comfy PJ/yoga (Parsimonious mesh?)
Dudes' v-neck untucked long sleeve t-shirts of awesomeness
Dudes' PJ/yoga bottoms
Fairy costume (girls' and unisex)
Disney princess up that FFS princess dress?
Recolour ladies' bun
Recolour dudes' Caesar
Recolour dudes' ponytail
Recolour dudes' chin-length
That's all I can remember off the top of my head...
No wait!
Leilani Kitchen/Dining
Lauren Kitchen/Dining
Added 12 March:
StarJacks Atomic Bedroom Set
Dewberry Nightblooms Bedroom
"Vermont" set (bed,
bath, lr,
kitchen/dining, oh sheesh this is gonna be another claybee, isn't it?)
"Seaside" set (yikes, the bed, bath, lr, kitchen/dining...)
Sugarplum kids' bedrooms
OFB "Witchery" Shop
A/YA/E F drape/wrap skirts to go with the untucked (but will look tucked) tees
Unisex Kids' PJs with those big bear feet - Mike & Sully?
Adult Dudes' ballet workout recolours
Adult women's cheongsam (base game)
Adult women's H&M cocktail dress (the black, red, halter one)
can add leggings to that slightly silly but somehow adorbs overall/jumper dress with the trainers?
SNS ladies' wide-leg pants & cowl sweater everyday/outerwear - more colours
NL ladies' raincoat - add leggings/jeans
ladies' swim tank two-piece, change bottoms to boyshorts?
MOAR boyskirts!!
stop there. please. for now. just stop.
No Stopping!! (sept 12th)
ground cover, just for the experience
small residential lot, because Golden
nursery for theme
cwc quaint nursery
cwc caress of teak nursery
ideal plantsim / alien poli-tech
start meshing? seriously?? doubt it, but messy bun
Even MOAR No Stopping!! (24 November)
girls' swim WW/Justice League
boys' swim WW/Justice League
CWC - Custom Wood Collection (aka Oh, the Humanity)
19 December
Custom food item - Japanese Curry?
Pink Sugar Patio
Pink Sugar Bath
More dudes' H&M Hoodies